After taking a week off from this meme (I really had nothing say for last week's topic) I am ready to go. Seriously, these type of prompts are always the easiest for me - as long as I don't buy the book between the time I type this post up and the time I can let it go live.
Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet
The Clockwork Scarab
by Colleen Gleason
I'd like to say that the only reason I've not bought and read the book yet is because I'm waiting for the paperback release, but that's not the entire truth. As much as I badly want this book, other books keep coming first.

by Marissa Meyer
I want this book. I didn't think I'd want it this badly, even when I started reading Scarlet, but now...I'm starting to understand the love for this series and (to make matters even worse) I keep hearing from people that Cress is the best of the three and that the books just keep getting better. Really excited for when I get to buy this book.

The Girl With the Iron Touch
by Kady Cross
Seriously loved the first two books in this series and I just cannot wait 'til I get some money and can order this book. Besides, It's going to look so gorgeous on my shelf with that cover. And it's finally going to be time for my favorite girl in the series to shine and take center stage. (At least, sort of.) But anyway, it's about Emily!

by Michael J. Sullivan
More from the author of my favorite fantasy series. (Does that make him my favorite fantasy author?) I want this book so badly and if I didn't actually space out when I bought them, I'd read nothing but these books until I finished them. I really. really hope there's a third in this series.

by Page Morgan
I kept waiting and hoping that my local store would get this book in because I want to read it so badly. They haven't yet though, and I will probably wind up ordering it off the internet. I really want the book though.

by Barbara Metzger
This book sounds so great and it sounds like just the kind of romance novels I like. Next time I buy romance novels, this is without a doubt going to be one of them. As long as I can find a decent quality copy for a good price.

by Paul Crilley
Besides how awesome this cover is - and, face it, it's awesome - I have read other things by this author and have adored his books. I'm really excited to see his take on steampunk and read how this book goes.

by Mindee Arnett
I love the idea behind this book and it sounds so fun. Having a bunch of people comparing it to Firefly - which happens to be one of my favorite shows - increases my interest in it. Besides, I cannot help but hope this will be the book that finally solidifies my love of sci-fi.

by Lindsay Buroker
I have been reading the other books in this series and really enjoying them. However, as much as I love the characters and really look forward to getting this book - I am hoping that it doesn't get bogged down in romance the way the finale in the last book in this series did.

by J.K. Rowling
I have finally succumbed to the suggestions of everyone else and started reading these books earlier this year. I've really been enjoying them and I look forward to the next in the series. Of course, the only reason I've not bought it yet is because I keep looking at the 800+ page count and I know I won't be doing much else the weekend I start this book.
Okay, there's my books I've not bought but that I want to read. I didn't intend for it to be mostly next-in-series, but that seems to be where my attention currently is. I also didn't intend for all except three to be YA, but I honestly think those are the books I'm most excited for. Also, I was good. I didn't list any books that hadn't released yet. Although that's what some of the books that I want to read the most are.
So, have you read any of these books? Are they as awesome as I'm hoping? Do you want to read any of them? Let me know and leave me a link to your list and I'll visit.
keribla 8p · 550 weeks ago
Great list. Here's mine.
Monique @Mo_Books · 550 weeks ago
Monique @ Mo_Books
Book's Galore · 550 weeks ago
Apart from the 7th book, the Order of the Phoenix is my favourite in the series so really excited to see what you think
Good luck getting them :)
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet
lucybirdbooks 35p · 550 weeks ago
Sofia · 550 weeks ago
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet
journeythroughfiction 50p · 550 weeks ago
My recent post 10 Books I Really Want To Read, But Don’t Own… Yet!