Okay, this prompt this week really got me thinking. To be honest with you, most of the books that really stand out as 'loved it' in my mind, I've already read other work by the author. In fact, going through my Goodreads list to help me compile this list, I discovered that there are very few books that I've read as the single work of the author, that gets a three star or higher rating from me.
Top Authors I've Only Read One Book From But NEED to Read More
by Bridget Zinn
I thought I'd get the more serious one out of the way first. I loved this book - it was great and I usually would be desperately looking and waiting for the author to write more. However, this is the first and only book Ms. Zinn will ever write. It is so sad to know that this amazingly talented author died before her book was even published. So, although I need to read more of her books, I'll never get to.

by Rosamund Hodge
Oh, this book is just so amazing. I was in the mood for something lush and romantic and this book delivered on both counts. I loved everything about it. Now for the good news. Ms. Hodge is working on a two book series - the first to release in 2016 - that was pitched as "Romeo and Juliet meets Sabriel". Not much is known about it, but it has caught my interest.

by Michelle Martin
This was exactly the type of romance novel that I love. Sweet, clean and more about the characters verbally getting to know each other (secrets and teasing, both) than anything else. I want to read more by this author, but this book was just so perfect that I'm not sure which one to read next.

by Ed Gentry
I actually really enjoyed this book when I read it years ago. It was unique - especially for Forgotten Realms - and I would love to read more by this author. Unfortunately, the only other work he's done is a short story for one of the anthologies. (I really should buy this book, as I borrowed it from my brother to read it...)

by Mary Stewart
Even though I love these type of books and I loved this book when I read it ten or so years ago, I've yet to read anything else by Ms. Stewart. This is something I need to change, and soon. I really should buy some of her books. (This was another borrowed book, this time from my mom, who also used to really enjoy these type of book.)

by Page Morgan
While I didn't love this book, reading a few other books left me very appreciative of certain choices that Ms. Morgan made. I am very excited for the second book in the series, I just haven't ordered books since it's been released.

by Morgan Rhodes
Even though this book was very nearly a 'did-not-finish' for me, and it's true that I put it down for several months, I actually wound up enjoying it enough that I already own the second in the series. However, I've not found the time to read it yet - so it is sitting up there on my shelf slowly gathering dust.

by G.K. Chesterton
I read this book as part of a high school project and became oddly attached to this strange little preacher-man. Seriously, I own half of the BBC TV show from the... 80's(?) and I keep wanting to buy the other half. I totally should read some of the other short stories, too.

by Clive Cussler
with Grant Blackwood
Even though to say that I did not like this book would be a bit of an understatement, I still want to read something else by Mr. Cussler - preferably something of his earlier work, before he started getting 'co-writers'. I'm leaning toward something about Dirk Pitt (which is the only work I think he wrote solo) however... I've not been able to get past the suspicion that I'll hate Dirk Pitt's guts.

by Chad Morris
As my first ever middle grade book (I think, I know this was the first one that I really enjoyed) I'm really looking forward to reading the next in the series. Especially considering that I was first drawn to this book series by the cover of the second book. Quite interested in getting my hands on it.
Oh, I've got a very eclectic group of books here, but I think it gives a very good idea of the kind of stuff I read. And yes, that means that most of the time my choice of books is all over the place.
Anyhow, I'd love to know what you think about these books/authors. Leave me a link to your list and I will visit.