Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Top Ten Books I've Read So Far This Year

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

I actually had some difficulties with this list. At first I was just going to list all the books, regardless of series. Like if I read three books in a series and I loved all of them, they would all be on this list. Then I decided that really wouldn't be fair to all the other awesome books I've already read this year. (I counted them and I had seven books from three series on this list.) So, if I read more than one book in the series, I just selected my favorite one. These books are in rough order from least favorite to most favorite.

Top Ten Books I've Read So Far This Year

10: Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3) by Cassandra Clare
I will admit that this one and number nine are in a constant battle to see which one will be higher. For me, the rest of this series was pretty strictly average, but this book was my favorite in the series and I really liked the level of emotion this book got out of me.

9: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter #3) by J.K. Rowling
Considering that this was also one of my favorite of the movies (my other favorite is Half-Blood Prince) it's no surprise that this has been my favorite of the books so far. 

8: Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer
After a very lackluster first book, I almost didn't read this one. I am really glad I did though because I love this book. It introduced some great new characters and was just simply awesome. It also solved nearly every problem I had with the first in the series so not I'm eagerly looking forward to getting my hands on the third book in the series.

7: Poison by Bridget Zinn
Oh this book is just so much fun. It's a lighthearted fantasy read that just doesn't take itself too seriously. The characters are great and the humor had me chuckling several times. Look for my review of this book coming out on Thursday.

6: Dark Currents (The Emperor's Edge #2) by Lindsay Buroker
The characters finally started to settle together in this book, showing some awesome friendships. While the story certainly has some awesome, 'what in the world' moments, it's the characters and their bonding that keeps drawing me back to this series.

5: The Girl in the Clockwork Collar (Steampunk Chronicles #2) by Kady Cross
A steampunk series that travels from England to America without loosing any of its steampunk-y goodness? Yes, yes it is. I loved the insight into a character that didn't play a huge role in the first book, and I loved, simply adored, watching friendships start to really take root. These are people that, it's starting to look like, would do anything for each other and, to quote Mickie D, I'm lovin' it. (And now I want some fries...)

3: Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J. Maas
This book was such a 'dark horse' read for me. I really didn't expect to like it much. I thought that, as long as it was tolerable, I'd be happy. Instead what I got was a book that blew 'tolerable' right out of the water and kept on going. I loved all the characters in this book and just thought it was one of the most awesome books ever. (Please note the past tense. I still love this book, but the sequel has significantly changed my opinions of the characters.)

2: Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
Actually having this book on my list is quite a surprise to me. I wanted to like it - I just never expected to love it as much as I do. This book was exactly what I wanted to read at the time and it is just a wonderful book. I loved the characters, the way the Beauty & the Beast retelling was handled and I adore the world and world building of the place.

1: Percepliquis (The Riyria Revelations #6) by Michael J. Sullivan
Shocking, isn't it. Really though, you had to know this was coming. The sixth and final book in what is now my favorite series. Ever. My favorite book in the series. This ending was exactly what it was supposed to be. Everything was just so perfect and just topnotch. I love the people. I love the writing style. I love, love, love the ending. This book gave me exactly the kind of feeling I want at the end of an epic adventure.

Man, this list was a lot of fun to put together, but it wasn't the easiest list ever. In fact, this is probably one of the mot difficult Top Ten Tuesday's lists for me. Anyhow, leave your comments below to let me know what you think and leave your TTT link and I'll visit.

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I loved Poison too :)
My recent post Photo-a-Day Challenge {Guilty Pleasure}
1 reply · active 561 weeks ago
Poison is a great book - I just wish it was better known.
Oh I didn't realise that Cruel Beauty was a fairy tale retelling! Super interested in it now.
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: The Best Books I've Read (So Far) in 2014
1 reply · active 561 weeks ago
Yeah, it pretty inventive with the way it retells Beauty & The Beast - it's got quite a bit mythology in it as well. I hope you get to read it.
Great list. Love the Mortal Instrumetns and Harry Potter series' myself! cruel Beauty seems to be a huge hit this year!
My recent post Wedding Celebration Giveaway-Part 2

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