Thursday, April 14, 2016

NSFW Book Tag

Found at The Book Rat and decided immediately that I wanted to do this. How fun. :)

1. What is the LAST book you would want your parents to walk in on you reading?

Thief by Ava March
Or, really, any book that has a cover that looks like that. Even the ones that feature a hetero romance would be cause for alarm from my parents - but a cover like this would probably get a lecture. A very...strong lecture. The good news is, most of the sexy covers for books happen to be the ones I read on kindle. ;) Total coincidence, I swear.

2. It’s storming outside, and you’re home alone for the night. What book would only make matters worse?
I don't read those kind of books. Horror for me is just a big 'not interested'.

3. Have you ever read a book simply because of the controversy surrounding it?
I...don't think so. It's difficult for me to explain this, but I don't go looking for controversy.

4. What is the most cringe-inducing romance or sex scene you have ever read?
Can we include fanfiction? Because, seriously, most sex scenes in fanfiction are bad. Trust me on this one. Otherwise, Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster. I never finished this book, all because of the horrid 'romance'. (Link, if you're curious about my review.) The 'romance' was basically the main guy being all alpha-asshole and not really understanding that no means no. Ick.

5. What book has made you question the author's sanity?
I'm not sure how that fits on here. And, really, in what way? Why would they write something like that? Or, what kind of sick freak are they? If it's the latter...not exactly the whole book, but there was this one scene in The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch that just...really...set me off. I wondered why anyone would write it in the first place and it made me feel sick.

The scene was basically a canvas bag with a bunch of glass shards in it shoved over a guys head. We then get to listen to him screaming until he literally can't anymore and, hopefully, passing out before he dies. Oh, there was also the whole 'drowning in horse piss' thing. Oh, fun. Look, I know there are a lot of people that love these books, but, yeah, I kind of think the author is a sick freak.

Also, I totally don't know if it was in the manga, but the Black Butler anime had a story where this girl Frankensteined parts of her husband's corpse onto her body so she'd never be alone. And then you're treated to her pulling down the collar of her dress so you can see the flesh rotting off of her bones. I ask you, what kind of sick person comes up with that?

6. Have you ever put down a book and not finished it because the content was too much for you?
Yes! Actually, I have. Years ago I bought a sci-fi book that sounded awesome and so cool. I started reading it and the first chapter was fun. Then I got to the second chapter and the main guy met up with his best buddy and almost literally every other word out of their mouth was a curse. I don't think that's needed, especially the kind of curses being ones that I personally never use. (Thankfully, I don't even remember the name of the book.)

The other book that this happened with was The Map of Time by Felix Palma. I was reading it, enjoying it, and the suddenly the main guy fancies himself in love with a prostitute who he's never met, only seen her portrait, and goes down to Whitechapel to hire her. (Where he proceeds to get off by rubbing on her leg.) Their little .... thing was enough to make me leave the book because, hello? creepy!

The third book was The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack by Mark Hodder. Once again, started well, once again, loaded up with horrible language. It's interesting to note that two of these books are steampunk and all in all, it made me leary of steampunk for quite a while.

7. What fictional character do you have the most NSFW thoughts about?
I suppose you don't mean in the 'I want you to die and I'll personally stab you to death with a toothpick' kind of way, do you? I'll be honest though, most of my NSFW thoughts for characters come from the violence I want to perpetrate on them and hardly any from the desire to get them into bed.

However, there is a certain character that I ... well, I was just getting introduced to the world of book guys being hot when I read this book, but Abraxis Wren from Night of Long Shadows by Paul Crilley was one half-elf that I had such a crush on for such a long time.

8. Show us your most NSFW book cover (or drawing/photo inside a book).
I will warn you, it is very tame and might not even be considered NSFW. (But it's not like a own the Kama Sutra.)

This is inside the front cover for Romancing the Duke by Tessa Dare.
I will admit, even for how tame it is, I'm really glad this wasn't the cover, because then I definitely wouldn't have been reading this book around my parents. 

9. Have you ever read something from the erotica/romance genre, and what did you think?
Yeah, I have. Although I think I was rather late to start, because for years I would just kind of avoid anything with romance as well as I could. What did I think? Uh... That it's really a mixed bag because some is absolute rubbish and others are actually pretty good.

I just have this problem. I like romance books, but it seems so often that once the couple/burgeoning couple has sex that they lose all their chemistry. Maybe I just like unresolved sexual tension more than the resolved sort. It's as though the characters quit talking when they're alone together because all they want to do is mate make like rabbits. And, really, I'd rather have an emotionally driven conversation than another generic sex scene to read.

10. You stumble across a portkey. What fictional world would you NOT want to be transported into?
Any sexist, rape as a plot device, let's keep all the women downtrodden so they keep popping out babies until they die in childbirth then we move along to the next underage thing world. Which means, probably over 80% of all epic fantasy. However, even though I've never actually read the book, I'm going to say the world of Defy by Sara B. Larson. How can I say such a thing when I've never even read the book?

Because this world has breeding houses for the women. To quote Khanh's delightful review over at Goodreads: 'where women are imprisoned as soon as they get their first period and are forced to spend their entire fertile lives breeding new soldiers for the king's army.' :) I'd neuter and castrate any man that came into that lovely breeding house. :) Seriously, women go through enough crap in this world, I don't need to read fictionalized accounts of men being utter bastards.

This was quite fun. I just wish we'd ended on a different question because I'm getting my 'sexist pigs' rant going. :) So, am I creeping you out yet with my smiles? Because that's sure what I'm trying to do. :)

I tag you and you and you! Get to it!


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