Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016 Challenges

This year I have challenged myself. After not doing any last year - and by 2/3 of the way through the year wishing I had - I decided to make up three challenges for myself. I'm not going to join in with any of these because I am terrible at actually posting reviews of books that I 'have' to - so this is for my own fun. Are you participating in any challenges this year?

Pages of Starlight's Chunky-Book Challenge
There is a Chunkster Challenge (usually hosted here) that I thought about joining but, to be honest, the rules really don't work for me. What I'm trying to do is read longer books, so my goals will be a little different. (If anyone wants to join in with me, here's my rules.)

For this challenge, any book can be considered 'chunky' if
  • It is an adult fiction or non-fiction and is over 400 pages
  • It is a young adult fiction of non-fiction and is over 500 pages
I plan to read 12 chunky books this year - or as many as I can find that sounds good, whichever comes first.

Title - Author Here

Pages of Starlight's Finish-the-Series Challenge
For this one, I'm linking over to Socrates' Book Reviews. You can find information on this challenge - and how to join it - there. I probably won't post there for the challenge, as I really am terrible at updating, but I do hope to keep my blog up to date on this. My goal is to finish 7 series this year.

Series by Author Finished

Pages of Starlight's TBR-Clean-Up Challenge
Another one that I kind of came up with on my own - though I was definitely inspired by the Never Too Old for Y.A. & N.A. Books group on Goodreads. What brought this on is that I have some books that I've had on my TBR way too long, and I still show no signs of reading them. So, this is a chance to finally read some of those books I've had on my TBR list for over a year.

Book - Author Here


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