Hey, everyone! I've been looking forward to doing this since early May. All I did was adapt the questions from last year for this year. (And, I know I'm a little late with this, but I was on my hiatus recently but didn't want to miss posting this!)
1. Best Book You've Read So Far in 2016
The Death of Dulgath by Michael J. SullivanTruthfully, there have been so many books this year that I've loved, but this one... Well, it's just so perfect and pretty much exactly what I want from my fantasy stories.
2. Best Sequel You've Read so Far in 2016
The Ace of Skulls by Chris Wooding
So very, very many sequels have been awesome this year. But, right now, I think this one might be my favorite. It's an awesome wrap-up to the series and, honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better end.
3. New Release You Haven't Read Yet but Want To
The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine I'd love to say I've heard great things about this book, but I really haven't heard anything. It seems crazy to me that with all the early hype that I heard surrounding this book, once it got released, everyone seemed to lose interest. Or something.
4. Most Anticipated Release For The Second Half of the Year
Imprudence by Gail Carriger
Totally cheating with this one considering that it already released, but I've hardly bought any books recently and this is the one I'm most excited to finally buy. I think I'll just let my adoration of the author speak for itself. (But this time Rue's going to Egypt!)
5. Biggest Disappointment
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
I wasn't expecting this book to be great - what with the up and down between each book - but I still thought I might like it. Instead, it was without a doubt my least favorite of the whole series and one of only two books that I rated one star so far this year. (Because, honestly, I think I hate this book.)
6. Biggest Surprise
Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis
I figured I'd like this book. I mean, it's a sci-fi fairytale retelling, so yeah. But I didn't think I'd love everything about it, the world, both 'Snow' and her love interest Dane and the fact that the seven dwarves get representation! Honestly, I have to say, I like this book soo much more than the Lunar Chronicles that it isn't even funny.
7. Favorite New Author (Debut To You)
Grace Draven
Books read: Radiance and Entreat Me
I've really not found many new authors this year. Or, if I have, I've only read one book of theirs - and I've learnt the hard way not to favorite an author after only one book - or the book flat out sucks. But Grace Draven books are so amazing. They are the perfect example of why I love fantasy romance books so much and there's only one other author that writes in this genre that I like more.
8. Newest Fictional Crush
Farrin Greydim
From The Snow Queen duology by K.M. Shea (Book I & Book II)
I seldom develop book crushes. Even less often when said book crush is part of the official couple. But this guy is just so perfect. He's honorable and noble and is working for the wrong person for all the right reasons. He's sweet and an awesome fighter. He's even got a facial scar - because, let me tell you, I am so sick of 'amazingly gorgeous' love interests. (I also have a bit of a crush on Rakel, the leading lady in this duology and Farrin's love interest.)
9. Newest Favorite Character
Nicolette Lampton
From Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell
This is going to be one of those books that I talk to death. (To death, I tell you.) And I love Nick. She's such a compelling character because she's not brave and courageous, but she settles on what she wants and she works for it. Also, her happily ever after wasn't dependent on a guy!
10. Book That Made You Cry
Earth Flight by Janet Edwards
I'm kind of weird. I know this. I tend to not cry during sad moments in stories. Someone dying, chances are that will not make my cry. But there was this scene in this book... It was so heartwarming and uplifting and just beautiful - and, admittedly, dealt with my favorite guy in the series - and I was already a bit of an emotional wreck from the awesomeness that came before that I just couldn't help it.
11. Book That Made You Happy
The Scofflaw Magician by Honor Raconteur
I might be cheating a bit here because this series always makes me laugh, but this book was so much fun. Don't start here though. Start with the first book in the series: The Child Prince.
12. Favorite Book To Film Adaptation
Unsurprisingly, I've not seen/read any pairs this year. I keep thinking I'm going to, but so few of the books they adapt even interest me at all.
13. Favorite Review You've Written This Year
This weeks A Tyranny of Petticoats. I really like how this review turned out because it's an anthology so I got to review each story individually and it was a lot of fun to write, anyway.
14. Most Beautiful Book You've Bought This Year So Far
Fire Falling by Elise Kova
This thumbnail totally doesn't do this amazing cover justice. I love the art style and the colors are so, so lovely.
15. What Book(s) Do You Need To Read by The End of The Year
LOL, too many to list. And I'm not going to list any here because my and TBR lists have not been on speaking terms much this year. In fact, if I did list a few books here, it wouldn't surprise me if I didn't get any of them read.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Comments by IntenseDebate
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(Late) Mid-Year Freak-Out Book Tag
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