Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Life: Music (warning: video heavy post)

Inspired by life of a blogger at Novel Heartbeats. (Their meme, I'm just adapting it to fit myself.)

Honestly, I wasn't sure about this - I'm really still not. I don't know if it's something that I need or want to do, but I guess I'll find out. For the month of April, ever other week I will post a short topic about myself. This is me, in my life outside of blogging. What I do when I don't have agreements to meet. When I have that precious and elusive commodity know as 'free time'. As the trope says, this is what you are in the dark. If I like doing this, I'll keep it up past April, but for now it's just a trial run.

So, the topic for this first talk is one of the two most important things in my life (running neck in neck with books of course).


I'm one of those people for whom music plays a huge part of my life. There are few things I do in my life that I don't listen to music during. I've even played music while I sleep. I do have favorite genres, but I can find something in every music category that I like. So, let's talk favorite bands.

My favorite band of all time definitely has to be Breaking Benjamin. Ever since I was first introduced to their music through the song Diary of Jane - without a doubt their most popular song - I have loved their stuff. I own all four of their albums, and I think they just keep getting better with each one. Which is why their legal problems is a real shame. My favorite song of theirs is probably:

Into the Nothing

My second favorite band is much more difficult for me to say. I think it's probably Abney Park. At this point I expect most of you are saying 'eh? who's that?' Well, they are an absolutely amazing steampunk band. Their music is usually very upbeat and infectious and I just love it. While I do have many favorite songs of theirs, like The Ballad of Captain Robert, Airships Pirates and End of Days, I think my favorite song of theirs is probably:

Steampunk Revolution

One of my other favorite bands is Thousand Foot Krutch. I knew the song Phenomenon long before I ever knew these guys were considered christian music. I love the energy that their music has (I listen to their stuff when I'm walking) and the lyrics are always so great. It's really not easy for me to choose a favorite song of theirs, as I love all the songs I've heard, but my favorite - at the moment - is:

E for Extinction

Now, finally, I have to make mention of my favorite female fronted - which there's not enough of - band: Paramore. I've loved their stuff ever since I first heard Misery Business. I will say that as much as I love their old sounds after all, my favorite song of theirs for a very long time was Turn it Off, I really like the direction their music has taken, especially with Ain't It Fun. However, for my favorite song of theirs, I'm going to have to go with:

Brick by Boring Brick

Now I've got to talk about my favorite individual singers. Without a doubt, at the top of this list is Sara Bareilles. I first heard Love Song by her and knew, almost immediately, that she was going to be one of my girls. I adore her music and I own three of her albums and I usually listen to at least one of them each week. While I have many, many favorites of hers, like Brave, Machine Gun, Fairytale, Hercules and Eden, I think my favorite is probably:

Gonna Get Over You

Next we have one of my other girls, that I actually said I didn't like when I first heard her music. I'm not sure why because now, I love those songs I claimed to dislike. Who is she? Kelly Clarkson. Yes, although the first song of hers I gave any time of day to was Behind These Hazel Eyes, I like her early stuff, such as Miss. Independent, too. However, I really think her newer stuff is just topnotch. I especially like Hello, Stronger and Catch My Breath. However, my favorite song of hers is:

People Like Us

So there you go. I'd say that's a pretty good sample of the music I listen to. Anyone here you like?


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