At Pages of Starlight this week:
- March in Review - wrap up post
- My Top Ten Gateway Books
- Crown of Midnight - review
- Book Haul
- Books that were better than I expected
- Tymora's Luck - review
Around the Blogosphere
- A lot of people are participating in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge for the month of April. Want to know more about this nifty idea? Just click the link and you'll go to the main page of this challenge.
- Debz talks about Hans Christian Anderson and his his tales - both in movies and retold tales in books. Curious? Check it out here.
- Didn't get your fill of April Fool's Day jokes? Try this neat bookish one on.
What you can expect to see next week
- Too Much Information vs. Too Little - discussion
- Top Ten Most Unique Books I've Read
- Percepliquis - review
- My Life: Music - personal/non-bookish post
- What setting would you like to live in?
- The Rithmatist - review
I've got big plans for next week. I would like to brainstorm over the weekend for new ideas for my blog. I do have a couple, but I want to make this a really fun place to visit, so I should start work on that in the next week. Also, I think I'm going to get myself a professional layout. I probably would have done that on Friday, but my internet was acting really wonky. Besides, to do that, I'll also have to redo my social media icons. Anyways, that'll give you an idea, besides my scheduled posts, what I'll be doing next week.