Friday, February 5, 2016

Being a Mood Reader

I think I've actually been a mood reader my entire life - I just didn't realize there was a name for it until I started blogging. Basically what it means to be a mood reader is that when I want to read, I don't just want to read anything. I want a specific type of book. Maybe I'm in the mood for a dark (ish?) fantasy - or I want nothing more than to read a cute contemporary.

Whatever the case, it has to be a certain type of book otherwise I will probably enjoy it less than if it was the type of book I was looking for. What does this mean?

#1: I dither when it comes time to pick out what book to read next.
It's not that I don't know what I feel like reading. Nor is it that I don't want to read. Because I do. It's that I don't know which book will best capture what I want to read. Which leaves me frustrated and finally just grabbing a book. (I've noticed a little structure helps me tremendously.)

#2: I have a really, really bad habit of not being fully invested in books.
Sure, there are exceptions, but if a book starts taking me too long to read, I tend to get distracted. There's always another book that's looking at me, wanting me to read it instead and I can't help the voice that's telling me I'll probably like it more.

#3: I'll be super excited for a new book, rush out to buy it ASAIR (as soon as it's released) and leave it sitting on my shelf for months.
I have no excuse for this. Besides the fact that it depresses me to see a book I wanted desperately sit around gathering dust, I'm not made of money. Books are usually five to ten dollars cheaper if you wait until they've been out for awhile I've learnt.

#4: I never know what to buy.
What am I going to be in the mood for? Sure, this book sounds great right now - but what about next week? Or next month? This is especially bad when I get on a genre kick and want to read pretty much only one type of book.

#5: It helps me diversify what I read.
Being a mood reader has sent me to some unusual places. Sure, I have favorite genres, but there's little I won't read if the mood strikes me.

#6: Sometimes I discover the perfect book.
Occasionally all the dithering and outright pain pays off when I settle into a book that is exactly what I wanted. There's no issue of wandering eyes or mind. The book fits my mood perfectly and that makes it the perfect book.

Are you a mood reader? Give me your thoughts on this.

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I'm totally a mood reader, too! I relate to most of the things on your list, especially, # 1, #2 and # 6. Great post!

Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess
My recent post January 2016 Wrap Up
1 reply · active 475 weeks ago
Thanks! Being a mood reader can be a struggle, but sometimes it is so rewarding.
I completely understand your struggles with being a mood reader, you have basically just described me. As I get older, I'm getting better about starting a book I'm not necessarily in the mood for and then becoming invested when the story is interesting, but that is not guaranteed. Luckily, since the invention of ereaders I don't need to choose just one book to carry around with me, I can have hundreds to hand to fit my mood. I am trying to stop myself getting stuck reading one genre, as well, because that normally leads me to falling into a reading slump. I am with you and the getting distracted when I read a book for too many days, it's normally when I read a book for more than 3 days I end up abandoning it because my attention has drifted elsewhere.

I think my mood reading is half the reason for the insane number of books I continually buy, I never know what mood I'll be in so I decide to buy everything, just in case.
1 reply · active 474 weeks ago
I think as I get older, I actually get worse with this! I do know exactly what you mean though, about becoming interested in a book even if it didn't catch you at first. I think that's the kind of book I was reading when I wrote this. ;) Oh, I LOVE my kindle! I love all the choices it offers me - and how if a book totally isn't working for me, I can just move on to the next one immediately. I don't usually have too much problems with reading slumps. Though I'm just coming off an approximately three month long genre burnout and wanting to only read that genre. *shrugs* I am a little concerned that's going to send me into a slump or back to my burnout. Usually if I've been reading the same book for half a week, that's when my attention drifts.

I totally agree! I never know what genre - much less what book - I'm going to want to read, so I like having many options on hand!

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