I had a lot of fun with my TBR list last month - where I paired up books and decided to read one of the two. But, I didn't have the best results with that for a couple of reasons. The first was definitely because I really slacked off on my reading in the last half of the month. I'm still the the middle of a book I started over a week ago - and it's a good book! Also, I think I paired the books a little...incorrectly.
So, this month, I'm going to refine my book pairing a bit.
Category: Finish-The-Series

by Patrick Weekes
By MarcyKate Connolly
Category: Sci-Fi

by Tanya Huff
by Pauline Marquez
Category: Romance

by Ruby Lionsdrake
by Regina Jennings
Category: Fantasy Pt:1

by Elise Kova
by T.L. Shreffler
Category: Fantasy Pt:2

by Rachel Aaron
by Eve Forward
Tell me, which of these books do you think I should read this month?