While I was meandering through the internet looking for - actually, I'm not sure what I was looking for, diverse fantasy books, I think - I found a Goodreads group that had a folder for 'Incomplete Series Challenge'. And, after reading a couple of them, I thought that looked like a spectacular way to see what series I need to read next year.
In 2016, I spent a lot of time completing series' and I'd like to get even more finished in 2017. This will not include ANY series I haven't started yet - even if I know I'll read it.
Format of the list:
Book Title [how many books I've read/available in series] - Author
Falling Kingdoms [4/4] - Morgan Rhodes
Mechanica [1/1] - Betsy Cornwell
Omega City [1/1] - Diana Peterfreund
Prudence [2/2] - Gail Carriger
The Rythmatist [1/1] - Brandon Sanderson
Wrapped [1/1] - Jennifer Bradbury
Total Series I'm Up-To-Date On: 6
Air Awakens [2/5] - Elise Kova
The Cloud Roads [1/4] - Martha Wells
The Comet's Curse [5/6] - Dom Testa
The Emperor's Edge [8/9] - Lindsay Buroker
Ink and Bone [1/2] - Rachel Caine
Mercenary Instinct [4/6] - Ruby Lionsdrake
Rebel Mechanics [1/2] - Shanna Swendson
Spark [1/3] - Anthea Sharp
The Spirit Thief [3/5] - Rachel Aaron
The Stepsister Scheme [3/4] - Jim C. Hines
Unspoken [2/3] - Sarah Rees Brennan
Valor's Choice [3/6] - Tanya Huff
The Winner's Curse [1/3] by Marie Rutkoski
Total Series That Are A High-Priority: 13
Balanced on the Blade's Edge [1/7] - Lindsay Buroker
Daughter of Smoke & Bone [2/3] - Laini Taylor
Double-Booked For Death [1/5] - Ali Brandon
These Broken Stars [2/3] - Kaufman & Spooner
Radiance [1/2] - Grace Draven
Total Series That Are A Medium-Priority: 5
(I'm only including series I've abandoned since I started blogging - otherwise this list would be HUGE(er than it already is)! Also, if I didn't even finish the first book, it's not on this list. If it's a series of stand-alone romances, it's not on this list. I will list the book if the sequel is forthcoming and I won't read it.)
Alanna: The First Adventure [2/4] - Tamora Pierce (I find Alanna annoying.)
Also Known As [1/2] - Robin Benway (Zero interest in the sequels.)
Avalon [1/2] - Mindee Arnett (Hate the main guy.)
Bewitching Season [1/3] - Marissa Doyle (Girls being bitchy to each other.)
A Book of Spirits and Thieves [1/2] - Morgan Rhodes (Didn't care for the story+characters.)
Cassidy Jones and the Secret Formula [1/4] - Elise Stokes (Overly emotional main girl.)
City of Bones [1/6] - Cassandra Clare (Ugh. Clary and Simon. Enough said.)
The Cloak Society [1/3] - Jeramey Kraatz (Not villainous like I was promised.)
The Clockwork Scarab [1/3] - Colleen Gleason (Girls being bitchy. to each other.)
The Conspiracy of Us [1/2] - Maggie Hall (TSTL main girl, creeptastic guys.)
Crossing the Ice [1/3] - Jennifer Comeaux (Hate the main girl.)
Crown Duel [1/2] - Sherwood Smith (Soo not for me.)
The Dark Unwinding [1/2] - Sharon Cameron (Too much gaslighting for me.)
Death Sworn [1/2] - Leah Cypess (Never got attached to the main girl.)
Disenchanted & Co. [1/2] Lynn Viehl (Crappy asspull, dues ex machina time travel.)
The Eighth Day [1/3] - Dianne K. Salerni (Insufferable main guy.)
The False Prince [1/3] - Jennifer A. Nielsen (Insufferable main guy/predictable.)
The Final Empire [2/6] - Brandon Sanderson (Bastardization of characters.)
Finnikin of the Rock [1/3] - Melina Marchetta (Hate the main guy.)
Graceling [2/3] - Kristin Cashore (Disinterested. Indifferent. Bored.)
Green Rider [3/5] - Kristen Britain (Vilifying a woman that was raped. So I hear.)
The Girl of Fire and Thorns [1/3] - Rae Carson (Indifferent.)
Heist Society [2/3] - Ally Carter (Unpleasant character development.)
The Hunchback Assignments [1&1/3 /4] - Arthur Slade (Hate main guy. Creepyass world.)
I'd Tell You I Love You [1/6] - Ally Carter (Meh.)
Illusive [1/2] - Emily Lloyd-Jones (Hate main girl. And every other YA character.)
Innocent Darkness [1/3] - Suzanne Lazear (Fairies just aren't my thing.)
Inside the Shadow City [1/3] - Kirsten Miller (Bitchy girls being bitchy.)
Into the Dark Lands [1/4] Michelle Sagara West (Creepy, possessive alphahole.)
Introductions [1/20] - C.L. Stone (Don't need to read that many books like this.)
The Lazarus Machine [1/2] - Paul Crilley (The world building hurts my heart.)
Libriomancer [1/4] - Jim C. Hines (UF isn't my thing, but I might continue this series.)
The Lies of Locke Lamora [1/4] - Scott Lynch (Didn't like it. At all.)
The Lightning Thief [1/5] - Rick Riordan (Can't stand the writing style.)
The Maze Runner [1/3] - James Dashner (Thomas. And pretty much everything else.)
A Natural History of Dragons [1/5] - Marie Brennan (Main girl. Boring story.)
One Realm Beyond [1&1/2 /2] - Donita K. Paul (Sexist and series halted.)
Pawn of Prophecy [1/5] - David Eddings (Chosen one is a jackass.)
The Potion Diaries [1/2] - Amy Alward (Meh.)
Prophecy [1/3] - Ellen Oh (Don't even remember.)
Sabriel [1/3] - Garth Nix (Boring. Super, super boring. Boring main character.)
The Secret Box [1/3] - Whitaker Ringwald (Didn't like anything.)
Seeds of Discovery [4/7] - Breeana Puttroff (16 year old marries boy known less than a year.)
Shadow and Bone [1/3] - Leigh Bardugo (Main girl eventually marries slug-guy.)
Shadow's Son [1/3] - Jon Sprunk (Rape of love interest is a hero plot device.)
Silver Phoenix [1/2] - Cindy Pon (Dammit, don't resurrect the dead!)
The Sin Eater's Daughter [1/2] - Melinda Salisbury (Hated main girl.)
Stolen Songbird [1/3] - Danielle L. Jensen (Super meh. Sequels sound terrible.)
Sora's Quest [2&1/4 /5] - T.L. Shreffler (Attempted rape as romance device.)
Terrier [2/3] - Tamora Pierce (Nothing about #3 sounds half-way good.)
The Thief [1/6] - Megan Whalen Turner (Unreliable, narrator. Jackass characters.)
Throne of Glass [2/5] - Sarah J. Maas (...Don't even get me started.)
Throne of the Crescent Moon [1/1] - Saladin Ahmed (Sexist pig of a book.)
Truthwitch [1/1] - Susan Dennard (Way too much crappy romance.)
Tuesday's At Castle Glower [1/5] - Jessica Day George (Bored.)
Unenchanted [1/5] - Chanda Hahn (Creepy, controlling love interest.)
Vampire Academy [2/6] - Richelle Mead (Character assassination.)
Vicious [1/1] - V.E. Schwab (Wasn't what I thought it was.)
Wings of Twilight [1/2] - Hans Cummings (Hero/villain switch that was too black/white.)
Wolves [1/6] - C. Gockel (Hook to make the reader buy the next book.)
Total Series I've Abandoned: 58
I wonder if I can get all those high-priority series (and hopefully the medium ones, too) finished next year. Or, at least, caught up with if they're not done yet.
I didn't have as many unfinished series as I thought I would - but I've gotten really good lately (or is that bad?) at pulling the plug if I don't think I'll like it. There's definitely two series in my medium priority that, if I don't get more interested in them, they'll be shuffled to the abandoned list.
Friday, November 18, 2016
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Unfinished Series
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nikihawkes 21p · 434 weeks ago
AmyAelleah 80p · 434 weeks ago
nikihawkes 21p · 434 weeks ago
It sounds accurate, and the only reason I'm being extra nosy is because the format for your list looks really similar to the one I just created on there (down to the brackets around the series numbers) and we are friends on Goodreads already, so I thought the chances were good. I thought maybe you were even a part of the group and I just didn't know it. The hilarious thing to me is that you found it through a Google search. The members of that group do discuss a lot of excellent high fantasy books, but still… Too funny!
Anyway, love your content, and am glad to see you somewhat back from hiatus! :)
AmyAelleah 80p · 434 weeks ago
Well, I'm not a member right now, I know that much. But...well, I have been trying to find a fantasy (or speculative fiction in general) book club to join. I definitely will find this one again and check it out a bit closer. And, yeah, I don't know why it came up on Google, but, interestingly enough, it's not the first time I've had a Goodreads group show up in the search results.