Friday, November 18, 2016

Unfinished Series

While I was meandering through the internet looking for - actually, I'm not sure what I was looking for, diverse fantasy books, I think - I found a Goodreads group that had a folder for 'Incomplete Series Challenge'. And, after reading a couple of them, I thought that looked like a spectacular way to see what series I need to read next year.

In 2016, I spent a lot of time completing series' and I'd like to get even more finished in 2017. This will not include ANY series I haven't started yet - even if I know I'll read it.

Format of the list:
Book Title [how many books I've read/available in series] - Author

Falling Kingdoms [4/4] - Morgan Rhodes
Mechanica [1/1] - Betsy Cornwell
Omega City [1/1] - Diana Peterfreund
Prudence [2/2] - Gail Carriger
The Rythmatist [1/1] - Brandon Sanderson
Wrapped [1/1] - Jennifer Bradbury

Total Series I'm Up-To-Date On: 6

Air Awakens [2/5] - Elise Kova
The Cloud Roads [1/4] - Martha Wells
The Comet's Curse [5/6] - Dom Testa
The Emperor's Edge [8/9] - Lindsay Buroker
Ink and Bone [1/2] - Rachel Caine
Mercenary Instinct [4/6] - Ruby Lionsdrake
Rebel Mechanics [1/2] - Shanna Swendson
Spark [1/3] - Anthea Sharp
The Spirit Thief [3/5] - Rachel Aaron
The Stepsister Scheme [3/4] - Jim C. Hines
Unspoken [2/3] - Sarah Rees Brennan
Valor's Choice [3/6] - Tanya Huff
The Winner's Curse [1/3] by Marie Rutkoski

Total Series That Are A High-Priority: 13

Balanced on the Blade's Edge [1/7] - Lindsay Buroker
Daughter of Smoke & Bone [2/3] - Laini Taylor
Double-Booked For Death [1/5] - Ali Brandon
These Broken Stars [2/3] - Kaufman & Spooner
Radiance [1/2] - Grace Draven

Total Series That Are A Medium-Priority: 5

(I'm only including series I've abandoned since I started blogging - otherwise this list would be HUGE(er than it already is)! Also, if I didn't even finish the first book, it's not on this list. If it's a series of stand-alone romances, it's not on this list. I will list the book if the sequel is forthcoming and I won't read it.)

Alanna: The First Adventure [2/4] - Tamora Pierce (I find Alanna annoying.)
Also Known As [1/2] - Robin Benway (Zero interest in the sequels.)
Avalon [1/2] - Mindee Arnett (Hate the main guy.)
Bewitching Season [1/3] - Marissa Doyle (Girls being bitchy to each other.)
A Book of Spirits and Thieves [1/2] - Morgan Rhodes (Didn't care for the story+characters.)
Cassidy Jones and the Secret Formula [1/4] - Elise Stokes (Overly emotional main girl.)
City of Bones [1/6] - Cassandra Clare (Ugh. Clary and Simon. Enough said.)
The Cloak Society [1/3] - Jeramey Kraatz (Not villainous like I was promised.)
The Clockwork Scarab [1/3] - Colleen Gleason (Girls being bitchy. to each other.)
The Conspiracy of Us [1/2] - Maggie Hall (TSTL main girl, creeptastic guys.)
Crossing the Ice [1/3] - Jennifer Comeaux (Hate the main girl.)
Crown Duel [1/2] - Sherwood Smith (Soo not for me.)
The Dark Unwinding [1/2] - Sharon Cameron (Too much gaslighting for  me.)
Death Sworn [1/2] - Leah Cypess (Never got attached to the main girl.)
Disenchanted & Co. [1/2] Lynn Viehl (Crappy asspull, dues ex machina time travel.)
The Eighth Day [1/3] - Dianne K. Salerni (Insufferable main guy.)
The False Prince [1/3] - Jennifer A. Nielsen (Insufferable main guy/predictable.)
The Final Empire [2/6] - Brandon Sanderson (Bastardization of characters.)
Finnikin of the Rock [1/3] - Melina Marchetta (Hate the main guy.)
Graceling [2/3] - Kristin Cashore (Disinterested. Indifferent. Bored.)
Green Rider [3/5] - Kristen Britain (Vilifying a woman that was raped. So I hear.)
The Girl of Fire and Thorns [1/3] - Rae Carson (Indifferent.)
Heist Society [2/3]  - Ally Carter (Unpleasant character development.)
The Hunchback Assignments [1&1/3 /4] - Arthur Slade (Hate main guy. Creepyass world.)
I'd Tell You I Love You [1/6] - Ally Carter (Meh.)
Illusive [1/2] - Emily Lloyd-Jones (Hate main girl. And every other YA character.)
Innocent Darkness [1/3] - Suzanne Lazear (Fairies just aren't my thing.)
Inside the Shadow City [1/3] - Kirsten Miller (Bitchy girls being bitchy.)
Into the Dark Lands [1/4] Michelle Sagara West (Creepy, possessive alphahole.)
Introductions [1/20] - C.L. Stone (Don't need to read that many books like this.)
The Lazarus Machine [1/2] - Paul Crilley (The world building hurts my heart.)
Libriomancer [1/4] - Jim C. Hines (UF isn't my thing, but I might continue this series.)
The Lies of Locke Lamora [1/4] - Scott Lynch (Didn't like it. At all.)
The Lightning Thief [1/5] - Rick Riordan (Can't stand the writing style.)
The Maze Runner [1/3] - James Dashner (Thomas. And pretty much everything else.)
A Natural History of Dragons [1/5] - Marie Brennan (Main girl. Boring story.)
One Realm Beyond [1&1/2 /2] - Donita K. Paul (Sexist and series halted.)
Pawn of Prophecy [1/5] - David Eddings (Chosen one is a jackass.)
The Potion Diaries [1/2] - Amy Alward (Meh.)
Prophecy [1/3] - Ellen Oh (Don't even remember.)
Sabriel [1/3] - Garth Nix (Boring. Super, super boring. Boring main character.)
The Secret Box [1/3] - Whitaker Ringwald (Didn't like anything.)
Seeds of Discovery [4/7] - Breeana Puttroff (16 year old marries boy known less than a year.)
Shadow and Bone [1/3] - Leigh Bardugo (Main girl eventually marries slug-guy.)
Shadow's Son [1/3] - Jon Sprunk (Rape of love interest is a hero plot device.)
Silver Phoenix [1/2] - Cindy Pon (Dammit, don't resurrect the dead!)
The Sin Eater's Daughter [1/2] - Melinda Salisbury (Hated main girl.)
Stolen Songbird [1/3] - Danielle L. Jensen (Super meh. Sequels sound terrible.)
Sora's Quest [2&1/4 /5] - T.L. Shreffler (Attempted rape as romance device.)
Terrier [2/3] - Tamora Pierce (Nothing about #3 sounds half-way good.)
The Thief [1/6] - Megan Whalen Turner (Unreliable, narrator. Jackass characters.)
Throne of Glass [2/5] - Sarah J. Maas (...Don't even get me started.)
Throne of the Crescent Moon [1/1] - Saladin Ahmed (Sexist pig of a book.)
Truthwitch [1/1] - Susan Dennard (Way too much crappy romance.)
Tuesday's At Castle Glower [1/5] - Jessica Day George (Bored.)
Unenchanted [1/5] - Chanda Hahn (Creepy, controlling love interest.)
Vampire Academy [2/6] - Richelle Mead (Character assassination.)
Vicious [1/1] - V.E. Schwab (Wasn't what I thought it was.)
Wings of Twilight [1/2] - Hans Cummings (Hero/villain switch that was too black/white.)
Wolves [1/6] - C. Gockel (Hook to make the reader buy the next book.)

Total Series I've Abandoned: 58

I wonder if I can get all those high-priority series (and hopefully the medium ones, too) finished next year. Or, at least, caught up with if they're not done yet.

I didn't have as many unfinished series as I thought I would - but I've gotten really good lately (or is that bad?) at pulling the plug if I don't think I'll like it. There's definitely two series in my medium priority that, if I don't get more interested in them, they'll be shuffled to the abandoned list.

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Great list! And way to go on putting down books you're just not enjoying. I actually see a few on there I forgot to include on my own list. Did you see the challenge on the Fantasy Buddy Reads group? Because you can totally create your own shelf on there and we will all commiserate/celebrate with you as you work your way through these series. :-)
3 replies · active 434 weeks ago
Thank you! Yeah, I've forced my way through way too many series that I just didn't like to keep doing that to myself. I THINK that's the group it was. I just passed it pretty quickly and I'm not even sure why it came up as a search result on Google. I might do that - I thought about it, but, honestly, I thought I was going to have a lot more series I wanted to read and I thought I'd need a shelf to keep track of them. I'll definitely keep it in mind, though, so thanks!
Haha I've done the exact same thing. A couple of years ago I had this morbid epiphany that I may not have a chance to read all the books on my list, so I started focusing on just the best ones first and abandoning a bunch of others. It seriously has majorly improved my overall reading experience/ratings. I was kind of the opposite, having a lot MORE books than I thought I would. But it did allow me to prioritize, and if I can get through just the high priority ones within the next year, I'll be happy. :-)

It sounds accurate, and the only reason I'm being extra nosy is because the format for your list looks really similar to the one I just created on there (down to the brackets around the series numbers) and we are friends on Goodreads already, so I thought the chances were good. I thought maybe you were even a part of the group and I just didn't know it. The hilarious thing to me is that you found it through a Google search. The members of that group do discuss a lot of excellent high fantasy books, but still… Too funny!

Anyway, love your content, and am glad to see you somewhat back from hiatus! :)
Yeah, I've come to realize that there was no way I'd actually read all the books on my TBR list so I cut it down to size and, lately, I've learnt how to DNF a book if I just know I'm not going to like it. (And if it's part of a series it means I don't even have to think about reading the sequel books.)

Well, I'm not a member right now, I know that much. But...well, I have been trying to find a fantasy (or speculative fiction in general) book club to join. I definitely will find this one again and check it out a bit closer. And, yeah, I don't know why it came up on Google, but, interestingly enough, it's not the first time I've had a Goodreads group show up in the search results.


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