Top Ten Books I'm Looking Forward To In 2015
I've gotta say, there are some awesome sounding books coming out next year that I am so excited for.
Untitled (Rithmatist #2)
Prudence (The Custard Protocol #1)
Manners & Mutiny (Finishing School #4)
Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4)
Rhune (The First Empire #1)
Michael J. Sullivan
Okay, this book is like the far past prequel to my favorite fantasy series ever, Riyria Revelations. To be honest, I fudged a little with this book, as there's a two to one chance that it won't be released until 2016 - but hope springs eternal.

Brandon Sanderson
(Book pictured: The Rithmatist, Rithmatist series, book one)
While I'm not exactly a fan of Brandon Sanderson, (really mixed results with the books of his that I've read) I am looking forward to the next book in this series because I loved the first one.

Gail Carriger
I think Ms. C is something of an 'automatic-buy' author for me. I've read eight books of hers (all of them, I think) and I have liked every single one. Even better - at least for me - is that each book, this one included, takes place in the same fictional world that she's created and I love that.

Gail Carriger
(Image from Ms. C's website.)
Hehe, I couldn't resist putting both these together. While I'm not quite as in love with Ms. C's young adult work as I am her adult books, they are still good fun and I know I'll never go wrong reading them. (Like that's not just tempting fate.)
Rosamund Hodge
Oh, Rosamund Hodge, the things you did to my heart with Cruel Beauty. I'll probably never be able to coherently say why I loved that book, but I can say that I did and I cannot wait to see how his author twists around the Little Red fairy tale.

Marissa Meyer
(Image: fanart cover - found here.)
Okay, was anyone here for my rather bitchy review on Cinder? Bet from that you never saw this coming. Anyway, I kept reading the series (thank you to everyone that suggested that I read Scarlet because some people liked it more) and kind of am in love with it now. So I guess I get to wait impatiently for this book *cough*just like most ya bloggers*cough*.
The Impossible Race (Cragbridge Hall #3)
Chad Morris
Although I've not read the second in the series yet, (I'm waiting for the paperback release) the first book was a lot of fun. I've not read a lot of children's/middle grade books since becoming an adult, and the ones I have read I've not enjoyed much, but this is one series that I am excitedly looking forward to continuing.
The Wondrous and the Wicked (The Dispossessed #3)
Page Morgan
Quite a nice little surprise to me that I am liking this series so much. It's very different for me, but sometimes you need that. I do look forward to the story end though, if the series had been longer, don't think I'd be so excited for it.
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)
Cassandra Clare
Image: fanart found here)
I'm really not all that sure I'll be reading this book. I do like the idea behind it (and wound up liking Infernal Devices much more than I thought I would) but I'm really not one for contemporary/urban fantasy. I guess we'll see when it comes out. (Of course, my local store will probably get it because they've had all Ms. C's other books shortly after the release.)
Untitled (Falling Kingdoms #4)
Morgan Rhodes
(Image used: Falling Kingdoms, Falling Kingdoms #1)
First, you gotta understand that it's not like I'm in love with this series, but the good usually outweighs the bad. The third book releases next week (I think) and I am really hoping that I can buy it from my local store because I really think the books just keep improving.
Alright, ten books that release next year that I will most likely read. Six are certainly a 'buy-ASAP', two of them will depend how the previous book worked for me, one will depend on how well the author is working for me, and the tenth is just based on how I feel at the time. So, what do you think of these books? Any on your list? Any you won't touch with the proverbial ten-foot-pole? I'd love to know what you think so drop me a line (and a link) in the comments.
Chad Morris
Although I've not read the second in the series yet, (I'm waiting for the paperback release) the first book was a lot of fun. I've not read a lot of children's/middle grade books since becoming an adult, and the ones I have read I've not enjoyed much, but this is one series that I am excitedly looking forward to continuing.

Page Morgan
Quite a nice little surprise to me that I am liking this series so much. It's very different for me, but sometimes you need that. I do look forward to the story end though, if the series had been longer, don't think I'd be so excited for it.

Cassandra Clare
Image: fanart found here)
I'm really not all that sure I'll be reading this book. I do like the idea behind it (and wound up liking Infernal Devices much more than I thought I would) but I'm really not one for contemporary/urban fantasy. I guess we'll see when it comes out. (Of course, my local store will probably get it because they've had all Ms. C's other books shortly after the release.)

Morgan Rhodes
(Image used: Falling Kingdoms, Falling Kingdoms #1)
First, you gotta understand that it's not like I'm in love with this series, but the good usually outweighs the bad. The third book releases next week (I think) and I am really hoping that I can buy it from my local store because I really think the books just keep improving.
Alright, ten books that release next year that I will most likely read. Six are certainly a 'buy-ASAP', two of them will depend how the previous book worked for me, one will depend on how well the author is working for me, and the tenth is just based on how I feel at the time. So, what do you think of these books? Any on your list? Any you won't touch with the proverbial ten-foot-pole? I'd love to know what you think so drop me a line (and a link) in the comments.
Danica Page · 536 weeks ago
here's mine
Also, I have a $30 giveaway going so be sure to check it out.
AmyAelleah 80p · 536 weeks ago
Mila · 536 weeks ago
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Books I am looking forward to in 2015
AmyAelleah 80p · 536 weeks ago
Mila · 536 weeks ago
I loved the Mistborn Trilogy though and am happy that I kept on reading his works. The Stormlight Archive books are my favourites and soo awesome!