Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Top Ten Fantasy Books I Can't Believe I Haven't Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Fantasy Books I Can't Believe I Haven't Read

Me, I'm a fantasy reader. I have been ever since I was first introduced to the genre. I will dabble in other books, but when it comes down to what I read the most of, as well as my comfort go-to, it's fantasy.

The Kingkiller Chronicle #1
Patrick Rothfuss
For the longest time, it seemed like whenever someone talked about fantasy, this book was in that conversation. I have, in fact, came close to reading it several times, but I always pass on it. Honestly, I'm not really sure why besides wanting to read something else more.

Seraphina #1
Rachel Hartman
I've wanted to read this book almost since it first came out but... Okay, I really have no excuse. It sounds like an amazing book and I have heard nothing but good things about it. So, why haven't I read it yet? (I guess, maybe it's been buried on my tbr list and - somewhat - just a little... forgotten.)

Seven Realms #1
Cinda Williams Chima
I keep hearing awesome things about this author and this book sounds good but something about this book just has kept me away. I want to read it. I do. And I probably will, eventually. I guess I'm just a bit worried about not liking it.

A Song of Fire and Ice #1
George R.R. Martin
You're going to have to bear with me on this one because when I first heard about the book, I thought it sounded awesome. Now though, in all honesty, the things I've heard about the book (death of major characters, rape, and the depressing tone I've heard the book has) I have been officially scared off. Probably for life. However, considering how popular this series is, I am surprised I never at least tried to read this book.

The First Law #1
Joe Abercrombie
To be fair, I'm really not a fan of 'dark' fantasy. I certainly prefer the more lighthearted aspect of fantasy, but this series has been talked about so much that I've actually thought about trying to read it several times. Then I remember that I probably won't like it and move on.

The Malazan Book of the Fallen #2
Steven Erikson
I've heard you can and should skip the first book in this series, so, yeah... Anyway, this book sounds great and I've almost bought it several times. But then I look at the size of it. This book is the second in a ten book series and, alone, it's over eight hundred pages long. At least all the books have been published, but I think I have a fear of that much commitment.

The Grisha #1
Leigh Bardugo
I want to read this book. I don't want to read this book. It sounds good. It sounds bad. That is just a sample of the incompatible feelings this book gives me. I really don't know what to think about it and I also don't know if I ever will read this book.

Twelve Houses #1
Sharon Shinn
Okay, it's not so much this book, but I want desperately to read something by this author. Her books sound great and this one sounds perfect for me. The reason I've not read it is the most pathetic excuse on this list. The cover. I'm sorry, but it's got to be one of the ugliest I've ever seen.

Gentleman Bastard #1
Scott Lynch
This book interests me, has interested me ever since I realized it was a fantasy book and not something related to Ernest Hemingway. (Don't ask.) However, there's always been something keeping me from reading it. Being honest, I think it's probably the curses that I hear are very abundant. Besides that, everything I've heard about this books makes me think I'd love it. (There's still a not-so-small part of me that still wants to read it.)

Mairelon #'s 1&2
Patricia C. Wrede
I'm not at all sure why I haven't read this book yet. In fact, at one point I thought I had already bought it only to realize later that I hadn't. This is probably only one of two books on this list that I know I'll be reading - and probably sooner rather than later.

Well, this list was a lot of fun to put together - but it has left me thinking that I need to expand my fantasy reading a little more. Maybe I'll try that this year. What do you think? Read some of these books and loved them and think I need to read them ASAP? Maybe you think I'm better off not reading some of them? Let me know and send me a link to you're list in the comments.

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I've been trying to get more into Fantasy myself. I am kind of new to the genre, but I love it! You have some on here I've never heard of to add to my TBR list. ;)
My recent post Watch Me Burn Review
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
I wish you luck. I love fantasy but, even though I've been reading in the genre for close to ten years, I'm still sometimes confused as to what I should read. (Ergo, the list of books I should have already read.) I'm glad I was some help and hope that you have a lot of fun in this genre.
Ooh, you have some that really SHOULD have been on my list too :)

The Demon King, The Blade Itself, and A Matter of Magic have been on my TBR for a long time. The Name of the Wind is good, and I saw you noticed I had book 2 on my list today :)

I can't recommend enough reading the Grisha series by Leigh Bardugo --- oh, the Darkling! Even if the first book isn't 100% your cup of tea for whatever reason, keep going in the series --- they only get better!

Seraphina looks so good! Mathematical dragons? That sounds like it's right up my alley ;) Thanks for sharing!

My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: February 3
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
I've had some of these books on my TBR list for ages - like A Matter of Magic - so I completely understand about not getting to them. The Name of the Wind keeps interesting me, probably because I'm always hearing such good things about it.

I'll probably eventually get to the Grisha series. I go through phases where it sounds good and I almost buy it, but then I think about it a week later and think I'll never read it. And I do love hearing that the series gets better as it progresses - that's always more fun than sputtering out early with the first book.

Hope you like Seraphina. I've been looking at the book since it was first released and, finally, just recently bought it. I'm getting really excited about getting a chance to read it.
I read Seraphina last week, it wasn't bad!! And I really want to read The demon king! :D

My TTT: http://frannieinthepages.blogspot.it/2015/02/top-...
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Glad to hear it. They both sound really good to me and I should be getting to read Seraphina soon.
Don't skip the first book in Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series :) It's as important as every other book in the series and helps a lot to get to know the world & characters. Lots of things that happen there will be important later on. I definitely wouldn't recommend skipping the first part of a 10-book-series :) I read the whole series and loved it, although the first 50-100 pages made me confused xD

Lynch, Martin and Rothfuss are awesome :) Didn't like Sharon Shinn though, i found it a bit too stereotypical. Also I never finished The Blade Itself as I hated the characters and the style of writing.

The Demon King sounds interesting!
My recent post What I am reading in February
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Thanks for the advice. I've heard from a lot of other people that the second book in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series just rehashes a lot of what happened in the first book. I wasn't thoroughly convinced though - really, just skip the first in a series? - and I think that contributed to me not starting the series. I'm glad to hear that a lot of what happens pertains to stuff later in the story.

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