Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Top Ten Characters Everyone Except Me Loves

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

As soon as I saw this topic, I knew this week was going to be very interesting for me. I'm quite used to being the 'black sheep' in that I like characters others don't and I dislike characters that others do. Originally, I was supposed to split the list in half and have five of each - but then I started going through all my books, thinking of the well-loved characters that I just can't stand, and realized that this would be so much better. And so much more fun. *grins evilly*

Harry Potter
Harry Potter Series
By J.K. Rowling
Honestly, I've had problems with him since the first book - and it just got progressively worse the more time went on. It seems like he spends all his time either moping about not being able to do anything, or being all 'I'm better than you' to anyone that will listen.

Harry Dresden
The Dresden Files Series
By Jim Butcher
(Notice a pattern? Two magic-using Harry's! LOL) Okay, so I hate him for his misogyny, but also because he's very much the hardboiled get's beat up, the half naked girl falls into his arms, lather, rinse and repeat sort.

Finnikin of the Rock
By Melina Marchetta
He is an arrogant, cocky braggart - which could have been awesome, but he is NEVER brought down a few notches. He's so incredibly full of himself that it's like watching a strutting rooster that is just begging to be kicked.

Mistborn Series
By Brandon Sanderson
Yup, I said it! Vin is such a poorly done character. I couldn't stand how she's all strong and capable - but, don't worry, she's got a soft, mushy inside so she can break down into tears whenever the need arises. And it really pissed me off that in book two, her whole character arc revolves around whether she'd choose the safe, stable guy that she loves, or the dangerous guy that understands her. For pities sake, this isn't a YA romance!

Brody Carmichael
By Chanda Hahn
Creep! This guy is one of those horrible stalker-esque 'love interests' that, no matter how many times the girl tells him back off and leave her the hell alone, he knows she really doesn't mean it and continues to pester her because, after all, he knows best. Ugh!

Erevis Cale
Twilight Falling
By Paul S. Kemp
I can totally include this, even if all I can remember all these years later is that I hated him even though I can't recall why, right? Right. Anyway, this was back in my heavy D&D time and, if you were into the novels, you knew and loved this guy. I, for whatever reason, hated him.

Eli Ever
By V.E. Schwab

Oh, man, this is one of those guys that's such a hypocrite. He's always so sure that he's the hero, that he's doing the right thing, and that he's so much better than everyone around him. Not to mention the fact that he want's to do a genocidal cleansing of what HE is - because he's the only one that isn't evil, impure of the bunch. (And people claim this book doesn't have a clear-cut villain!)

The Dispossessed Series
By Page Morgan
The dark, brooding, 'you can't be mine' love interest that, as soon as I met him, I wanted to strangle him. Not to mention the hot-tempered, jealous, stupid decisions he made and the way everything he ever wanted was just handed to him at the end because he's so wonderful. Blerg.

Crown Duel
By Sherwood Smith
I don't really like using this word, but nothing else describes her so perfectly. She's a bitch. She's self-centered, self-obsessed, narrow minded, spoiled, useless, worthless little brat of a bitch.

The Maze Runner
By James Dashner
A jerk AND a Gary Stu - oh, lucky me. Seriously, there was not anything I liked about him, but it was also really hard for me to pin down why I hate hi so much.

So, how many people disagree with me strongly? Go ahead, tell me I have no idea what a good character is. I can take it. Conversly, I'd love to hear if you agree with me on any of these. (Or if you know why I hate Erevis and Thomas so much.)

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I disagree with all of the ones that I have read :p Though, with Harry, in books 4-6, I could totally understand how he could make this list :p

1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
*Laughs* Thanks for commenting - even if we disagree!
I've only read two of the books mentioned, and I have to agree with you on both accounts. Thomas, for me, started off well enough, but he barely developed and didn't show us lots of new things as the story progressed. I loved Harry in the first couple of books, but by the end I was SOO annoyed by him, or rather how the books and movies were made. Without his friends and supporters he would have been NOTHING. He would have loooong given up - for instance, in book 5, he doesn't care about others learning magic AT ALL. It's all Hermione and Ron who encourage him to start that course. Talking about that, I don't fully understand why or how he was capable of many spells his schoolmates (even the older ones) weren't. But maybe there was explanation and I just don't remember?
Great list! <3
My recent post Reintroducing WoW at The Regal Critiques
1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
Thanks, Vera! Yeah, I didn't HATE Thomas to start with, but...I don't know, over the course of the first book he just aggravated me more and more. I totally get that with Harry. In the first two or three books, I didn't have anything major against him. And then came him being all 'super awesome for no reason' - because that's exactly what happened. And I so agree with it being terrible how he got all the love in story when, really, he was a hero by circumstance more than anything. The only explanation I ever got was 'because he's the chosen one' and just that 'great'.
I didn't realise that there was anyone who actually liked Thomas, I thought everyone hated him, so trust me, you're not alone in that one.
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday #47
1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
Oh, so glad I'm not alone! No, trust me, I have come across a lot of love for him - and all I could think was 'but I don't LIKE him'.

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