Friday, December 16, 2016

Winter is Coming Book Tag (No, Not That Winter! Or That One, Either!))

Once again, I've been hunting around for a book tag that's seasonal - because I do love Winter - and found this one. It's not a Game of Thrones tag, or a Lunar Chronicles tag. What it is, however, is a celebration of all things cold weather. Yay!

Snow - it's beautiful when it first falls, but then it melts.
Choose a book/series that you loved at the beginning but then, at the middle of it, realized you didn't like it any longer.

The Cat's Eye Chronicles by T.L. Shreffler
I adored the first two books. I even kept reading after they killed my favorite character off. However, I didn't even get to finish the third one because the out-of-nowhere attempted rape. Now I just want to forget this series was ever something I tried to read.

Snowflake - something beautiful and always different.
Choose a book that stands out, that's different from all the other books you've read.

The Girls at the Kingfisher Club
by Genevieve Valentine

I don't believe I've ever read a book quite like this one: the focus is on the relationship between sisters, them getting out of an abusive situation and it's a fairytale retelling set during the 1920's.

Snowman - it's always fun to build one with your family.
Choose a book that a whole family could read.

The Inventor's Secret
by Chad Morris

This is the start of what is definitely my favorite MG series. Even if I am well out of the demographic. I leant it to my mom, and she liked it too. I think there's a lot here for any age group - especially those interested in history. Also, the author doesn't talk down to the reader and adults aren't useless - or ignore the kids!

Choose a book that made you feel warm after reading it.

But...I don't like that warm fuzzy feeling. Or liken that feeling to Christmas. (More disgusted and frustrated.)

Santa Claus - he brings wonderful presents.
Choose a book that you'd like to get for Christmas.

Welp, I don't celebrate Christmas, but, I wouldn't be adverse to someone gifting me The Serpent Sea by Martha Wells, because I really, really want to get to continuing this series.

Snow Bowling - it's painful to be hit by a snowball.
Choose a book that made you feel some strong emotion, like anger or sadness.

Hmm, a book that made me feel anger. Because we know how few of those there are. /sarcasm

Ultimately, I think one of the books I enjoyed the most - but that still made me angry - was Wolves by C. Gockel. I liked it, right up until the 180 the author pulled in the last five pages and then we have a literal cliffhanger in that the book ends in the middle of the action. I would have bought the next book if it hadn't done that, but with that obvious ploy to get the reader to buy the next book, I won't. (Unless I get super desperate for Norse retellings. Which totally might happen.)

Sledding - we all loved it when we were younger.
Choose a book you loved when you were a child.

I'm going to go with the Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. I probably was too young when I first read them, but I loved them then. (I also spent a good portion of my life from 8-10 years old reading Agatha Christie...) I would love to reread the whole Holmes cannon - and there's even one or two novellas I've never read - but I'm really worried about the age of the books and them seeming...racist and sexist.

Choose a book you were really disappointed in.

by Susan Dennard
This is partially because of the hype surrounding it, but also because the book just sounded so good and I didn't know how I could be disappointed with it. Ultimately, it was easy, just forget most of the friendship that it claimed to have (because it was borderline non-existent) and add in one of the most typical, cliched YA romances ever. Done and done.

Reindeer - something that is dear to you.
Choose a book of great sentimental value.

I don't really think I have any books that hold sentimental value. I honestly would choose some of the books I've been gifted...but there were a lot of them I didn't like. I also don't have any signed copies or anything like that. And I'm not a sentimental person to begin with...So...Ehh.

I tag anyone and everyone that likes Winter, wants snow and/or hopes desperately that they get more snow this Winter than they did last. (Me!)

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Aw I did so think this would be a Winter Winter tag- you know, Cinder, Scarlet, Cress...THAT Winter. Oh well :P The Girls at the Kingfisher Club sure sounds intriguing! And haha, you sound like quite the Grinch :D You don't like Christmas or is it Winter that you don't? XD
1 reply · active 429 weeks ago
Hehehe - Yup, I knew that was going to be what a lot of people thought this tag was. (Which, actually, was the second Winter I mentioned. The first being Game of Thrones which I'm actually not a fan of, but ALWAYS hear about.)

Totally recommend The Girls at the Kingfisher Club if you want a completely different type of retelling. Especially different in that the romance is a major backseat to the relationships between the sisters and them coming into their own.

I am a Grinch. ;) Very much so. Because I LOVE Winter. I love cold, blustery weather and snow. Definitely my second favorite season - only after Fall/Autumn. But Christmas is so not my holiday season.

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