Friday, January 30, 2015

I had a special post for today thought out, but I just had to write it. However, I've been dealing with a sick dog the past week and she died yesterday morning. Needless to say, I've not been reading or blogging like I wanted to. I have been visiting a few blogs this week, but haven't had the energy to comment.

I do hope that I'll have everything ready to start off with for next month - but I've even fallen behind on those posts this week. I also want to apologize to anyone that's commented this week that I've not responded to. I'll get there soon to.

Just thought I'd give you a quick update and let you know why things have seemed a little vacant around here lately. (Thankfully before Bekki got sick, I had a full week ready to go in February - so I'll have to work a little less like mad next week.)
