Friday, August 21, 2015

The Dreaded Book Hangovers

I was going to say: I don't get them. But then I started thinking about it. That's not the truth, although they are very, very uncommon. In my entire life - at least, that I remember - I've gotten two book hangovers. Two. That's like…I've got over seven hundred books marked as read on Goodreads and there's probably twice that many that I've forgotten.


The first one was Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. I'm making a huge jump of logic here and saying that anyone who's read that book understands why. (I'm also not a crier and this book had tears rolling down my face. Thankfully I'm not a blubberer at all. Otherwise…) 

The other book that gave me a hangover was the one I reviewed last week, Valor's Choice by Tanya Huff. That book is one of the most amazing books I've ever read. It sneaks up on you, it's all silly and light until you're left with war and destruction and death and everyone being all heroic.

I used to think it was me - that I didn't get it because I don't drink alcohol so I've never had that kind of hangover either. Or maybe it was because I gravitate more towards light books and they don't exactly give a huge emotional payoff. (When they do though, look out. There's not much more amazing than that.)

But now I have experienced this - I might have been happier if I hadn't.

Book hangovers leave me feeling restless. I want to start another book, but I can't. The book was my life for however long I was reading it and the 'real world' just doesn't seem as vibrant.

I need to stay in this world just a little longer but…it's time to leave.

I recover, eventually, but then I'm off on the hunt for another book that leaves me with the unexpected emotional connection and physical gutting.

Share with me your experience with book hangovers! I'd love to hear how you cope or if you never get them. Feel free to name the liquor book that caused the hangover too, I'm always curious.

The 2nd & 3rd pictures are not mine.
Credit wherever credit is due.

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I'm exactly the same as you right now! I finished an amazing book last week (Kit by Marina Fiorato), and haven't been able to settle on reading anything else since! I've tried but just can't get into anything and I keep picking Kit back up to reread bits because I can't let it go haha! Like you I do tend to read lighter books which is probably why I don't get attached to many, but when I do I feel like I'm stuck in a kind of limbo for days afterwards!
My recent post Review: Kit by Marina Fiorato
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
Yeah, it's such a struggle to get away from the world of an awesome book. Even coming back to the so called 'real world' is a struggle after some of those books. Thankfully, it's not a problem I run into often - because if I did, I think I'd go nuts! Thanks so much for letting me know I'm not alone. And confirming that lighter books can totally sucker punch you sometimes. :)
I'm torn!! I mean I kind of have had one?! But I had the FEELING but I didn't follow through on it. xD I just started a new book straight I'm not sure I can really claim to have had a hangover or not. :P IT'S ODD, I KNOW. hehe. For me it's totally like getting punched in the head with feels and just thinking no book is ever going to be as good as that one was. TORTURE, bUT WORTH IT. :')
Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
Very odd :) I kind of wish I'd been able to just jump right into the next book. But if I would have tried to do that, I don't think I would have been able to focus on the book at all. I agree that getting that attached to a book is both torture and totally worth it.
Great post! I love the second pic/quote! It's so cute! Totally relatable too. The book that's been the most heart wrenching, most traumatising for me... and believe it or not it was a fantasy series... was the Old Kingdom/Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix. When I finished the third book (Abhorsen), I was in tears. It was just so moving!!
Great post :D
Have a great day,
Amy x
My recent post The Wee Free Men (Discworld #30, Witches #7)
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
Thanks! Yeah, I love that picture/quote. I can totally believe a fantasy series can be heart wrenching. I've read a few that come pretty close - even for me being the sort of person that usually prefers light fantasy fare. I have heard from a lot of people that they love the Abhorsen trilogy, and that emotional connection was probably part of it.
Yeah, I completely see where you're coming from Amy. There are so many great books out there, and it's so difficult to let the world and the characters go and start a whole new book. I think that's one of the reasons series are so nice; you get more time with the characters and the world (but, on the other hand, I suppose you can argue that once the series ends that gives you an even bigger book hangover than you would have had if there was only one book). Thanks for sharing this and, as always, fabulous discussion! <33
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
Oh yes, exactly! With some books it's hard enough to separate after just one. Thankfully enough I don't usually binge read my favorite series - because if I did, I'd probably not be worth much for a week after finishing the last book. Seriously, the last book of a series usually makes me not want to leave the world anyway, reading all the books together would just make it ten times worse for me. Thanks so much, Zoe!
BOOK HANGOVERS! They're the best and the worst feeling a reader can ever feel, if you ask me! I experienced one recently after reading The Wrath and the Dawn, and it was torture! It was like everything I thought of was about the book for a few days.
Only problem with book hangovers is that sometimes they pave way to reading slumps for me. I just can't take another book after the state the previous one has left me in, and that sucks!
My recent post LITHW # 9 : Discover your blogging style
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
I KNOW! It's wonderful to get that attached to a book - but at the same time, it can be painful. Very interested in The Wrath and the Dawn and I've heard some wonderful things about it. I do want to read it eventually, but considering I have no idea when (and I've heard rumors of a cliffhanger of sorts) I might not get to it until the sequel is out. I can totally see reading slumps being a side effect of book hangovers.
I just talked the 8 year-old I nanny about this haha! He just read the last Guardians of Gahoole book and he said that he was really sad and wished he hadn't read the last book because he had spent so much time in that world and now he didn't want to do anything else and there weren't anymore left for him to read. I had to be like...well, I know exactly what you mean. Don't worry you'll get over it. But probably it's just going to happen all over again hahahaa
My recent post Top Ten Books On My Manga and Anime 101 Syllabus
1 reply · active 497 weeks ago
I love that! It sounds like those charges of yours are starting young at being book lovers. Yeah, I definitely am starting to think that this is something nearly all people that really get involved in their books can relate to.

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