Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

I love the idea behind this, but 'auto-buy' isn't something I do. Even if I think the world of the author, there's just some things that are a turn-off for me. However, I do have authors that, as soon as I find out they're releasing something new, I'm over at Goodreads seeing what it is. There's definitely some that, even if I have my doubts, I'd probably still buy the book anyway. I don't do 'auto-buy' though as I don't actually 'auto-buy' anything. If I did though, these are the authors that would be auto-bought. (Now I'm thinking of the Transformers. The autobots!)

Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors

Lindsay Buroker
I'm slowly making my way through everything that she's written be it her fantasy books, her steampunk books or her sci-fi romances under a pen name. I even plan on reading her contemporary romance eventually!

Gail Carriger
So, this author has basically stayed in one genre, (steampunk with a side of romance and adventure) but I love her writing style so much by now that I'd probably follow her to any other genre too.

Rhiannon Thomas
This is totally not fair considering I've only read one of her books, but I loved it sooo much. Also, I've visited her blog and this is a woman that I think I'd enjoy whatever she'd write.

Elaine Cunningham
I love her fantasy books so much. I've not gotten around to reading her e-book only urban fantasy yet - but now that I have a kindle I no longer have a reason not to.

Michael J. Sullivan
So far I've only read his fantasy books, but he's got a sci-fi book that I will eventually read (even if it isn't what I would often pick for myself) as well as a few short stories that I should give a go.

Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels
This is totally cheating because she's deceased so it's not like I can get any new books of hers. However, I'm still lacking a few under the first penname and very many under the second and I plan on owning all of her books eventually.

Chad Morris
Although I've only read two books of his, I love both of them and adore his writing style. I do look forward to seeing what else he does - as I think I'd like whatever it is.

Marissa Meyer
(I predict that she'll be on a lot of lists this week.) While it took me a bit longer to get into her series than it did most others, I've really started to like her books and her writing style is so much fun. I do totally look forward to seeing what else she writes

Rosamund Hodge
While her second book started to break the faith with me a bit, I love her first book enough that she can stay on this list at least until I get a chance to read whatever she publishes next.

Breeana Puttroff
I love her ongoing series so much. While she does have only one other book published, I will totally be buying it once I get caught up on her series.

This list was actually harder to put together than I thought it would be. I also tried to keep it from being a repeat of my 'favorite authors' from April and my 'author's I'd like to meet' from May. Let me know what you think and drop me a link so I can stop by yours.

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I've had several bloggers recommend Gail Carriger to me, I guess for the steampunk and boarding school elements, and elaine Cunningham I've been curious about- didn't she write some elven themed books a while back? If I'm thinknig of the right books...
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
Yeah, Gail Carriger's books are great. Though, I must warn you, there's a lot of romance in the first book of her first series so if that's not your thing. The book is Soulless and it is really fun, just REALLY heavy on the romance. (Which was a bit of a problem for me originally.) Elaine Cunningham did write Evermeet: Isle of the Elves for Forgotten Realms which was kind of a history/short stories and novellas that were tied together. (All in one book.) She also wrote a book about elves in the Everquest setting. (The Blood Red Harp - which was awesome.) And also some of her trilogies deal with elves. Songs & Swords has a half-elf as one of the two main characters and Starlight & Shadows has a dark elf as the main character. (Don't know if any of those are what you're thinking of.)
I need to check out the authors in your list! I hadn't heard about most of them, the only one we have in common is Marissa Meyer. Great list!
My recent post Auto-buy Authors | Top Ten Tuesday #5
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
Totally do. I love all these author's books and would recommend all of them. And Marissa Meyer's books are so awesome. Thanks.
Marissa Meyer and Rosamund Hodge were obvious choices for me too. Both of them have a way with words that makes their books unputdownable. I especially love how unique and interesting stories Hodge creates. And Meyer brings to life (or paper) the most relatable and lovely, yet distinct set of characters. I'd buy absolutely anything by them. From the other author I've only heard of Gail Carriger but unfortunately I found myself unable to get into Soulless. I hope you love her works, though. :)
Lovely list, Amy! :D
My recent post My Top Ten Auto-buy Authors
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
*Nods* Agree completely about Rosamund Hodge. I love the blend of mythology she adds to her books and her writing style is so rich. And I never really thought about why The Lunar Chronicles is so great, but I think you've got it. The characters are so different and they are so deep and well developed. Sorry to hear Soulless didn't work for you. I'll admit, her writing style isn't for everyone, but it really works for me. Thanks, Veronika.

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