I'll admit that this was such a surprise to be nominated by Tiffany (thanks so much) over at The Bookish Thoughts. This is my first award and I'm actually a little at sea about what I'm supposed to do. (And I totally fail at getting this up in anything resembling a timely fashion!) I'll admit that some of these aren't exactly new blogs, but they've all started within the last couple of years - so that's good enough for me. My apologies if you have one of these not-so-new new blogs and dislike being on this list.
The Rules:
- Nominate 15 other bloggers relatively new to blogging.
- Let the bloggers know that you've nominated them.
- Share 10 random facts about yourself.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
- Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.
Okay, so, ten random facts about myself:
- I was homeschooled. Never once went to public school.
- I'm severely myopic and have to wear glasses. (Not quite as bad as Velma Dinkley, but, then, who is?)
- I'm more of a geek than a nerd - but I don't deny being either.
- My favorite color is green.
- I love superhero movies. Especially Marvel superhero movies. Especially, especially the X-Men.
- I've been told that I'm 'kind of a guy'.
- Ever since I was about five years old, I've never not had a dog - and usually a cat too.
- My favorite genre of books is fantasy and has been ever since I was exposed to them over ten years ago by a little bookstore - that also served as the local hub for D&D gamers.
- I don't have a favorite food but Curry, Pizza and Wontons rank at the very top.
- When I'm not reading, I can often be found playing computer games. My favorites are romance based visual novels and fantasy/fighting rpg's. Though I do also love the game Risk.
My nominations...
Ana @ Book Addict
Bernadette @ The Bumbling Bookworm
Christina @ The Reading Queen
Eileen @ BookCatPin
Emily @ Books & Cleverness
Henna @ Howling for Books
Jazmen @ This Girl Reads a lot!
Karina @ I, fat robot
Kim @ Bookworm Book Reviews
Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales
Monica @ Avid Reviews
Sabrina @ Sabrina's Stories
Sarah @ Sarah Can't Stop Reading
Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess
Soudha @ Of Stacks and Cups
Need more information about Versatile Blogger Award? Check out the website here.
Sabrina · 500 weeks ago
You're so lucky to have been home schooled your whole life!
I have to wear glasses too, or contacts + superhero movies are the best! I have yet to properly watch the X Men movies though - I'll get on that right away!
My recent post Top Ten Most Read Authors
AmyAelleah 80p · 499 weeks ago