Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Top Ten Books On My Steampunk 101 Syllabus

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

I was going to do fantasy - either YA or adult or mixed - but then I thought of steampunk. As a genre, steampunk is still in the early stages of public awareness. Me, I like to think I was a fan of steampunk before it became cool, be it really doesn't matter if you've been a fan for years or are only now trying it. I love steampunk, I love the look and the feel and what it is. So, if I taught steampunk, these books would be on my required reading list.

Top Ten Books on My Steampunk 101 Syllabus

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Some say he's the father of modern steampunk. Verne wrote Victorian science fiction which, the first time I ever heard steampunk described it was 'as Victorians would write science fiction'. If nothing else, it's interesting to see where steampunk got its roots.

Soulless by Gail Carriger
Gail Carriger is kinda, sorta, pretty much the Queen of Steampunk. While her books are so romance-heavy that they definitely aren't for everyone, they have some of the best gadgets and the world building is amazing.

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
One of the very first steampunk books I've read. This takes place just before World War I starts and it's world building is pretty great. You have the Darwinists who have genetically engineered their ships - you basically have flying whales - and the Clankers who supply the gears of this steampunk world through mechanical things.

Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding
Unlike most other steampunk novels, this one is not set in our world - or anything at even vaguely resembles our world. Not only is it steampunk, it's steampunk in a fantasy setting. This is one of my favorite steampunk books/series and I think it's a great example of how steampunk doesn't have to be Victorian.

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
This is kind of a steampunk/urban fantasy amalgamation set in - you guessed it - Victorian England. While not one of the best examples of steampunk here (though it does have the look) it's interesting to see a steampunk that blends into other genres until it isn't about it being steampunk.

Flash Gold by Lindsay Buroker
How about steampunk of the Gold Rush? And steampunk that isn't as...clean as it usually is. There is a lot of literal dirt - the kind that stains your trousers and gets under your nail - in this story about a mechanic. While the series is novella length, it's interesting to see steampunk creations from the creators eyes.

The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson
Set in a world vaguely similar to ours, this book has the United States as an island archipelago and enough gears to be steampunk. However, it is truly more a blending of fantasy and steampunk but a read entirely for the island idea.

The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress
One of my favorite steampunk books! This book has plenty of gadgets and ahead-of-her-time girls (something all steampunk needs!). I love the look and general feel of turn of the century London.

The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross
Perfect for those that want the look and feel of steampunk without delving into any of the weightier issues - or doesn't want the issues to weigh the story down - and definitely modern sensibilities. This series has got the steampunk vibe down pat.

Lady of Devices by Shelley Adina
Probably what I would have described if I had been asked 'what's steampunk' before I ever read any. This book is one of the perfect places to start if you want a steampunk world that doesn't overwhelm but is very steampunk.

As a special bonus, I am throwing in required listening: the steampunk band: Abney Park!

Seriously, their music is like the soundtrack to everything steampunk. Well, everything they're not the soundtrack for, these guys are: Steam Powered Giraffe!

And required watching: four anime shows that have a strong steampunk basis.
Samurai 7
Based on Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai
Sakura Wars
Last Exile
And it's sequel
Fam: The Silver Wing
I've personally seen each of these shows at least once (the first two I've seen twice each) so If you're looking for steampunk anime, these might be worth looking into. And there we have our syllabus. Well, mine anyhow. I'd love to see what you've chosen, so leave me links and I'll stop by. Also love to know what you think and if I can convince you to read any of these books and if you've read some of them, what you thought.

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Great picks! All three Leviathan books are some of my favorites. I have never heard of steampunk bands before, but I like their style. :)

Check out my TTT and my Read This? Watch This! Tag.
1 reply · active 498 weeks ago
The Leviathan books are great examples of fantasy - and really fun books over all. I love steampunk music and there are some really great bands out there. (These two are just the ones that I feel are most steampunk-y.) I'm really glad you like them.
Love your list, I've read some pretty great books this year with Steam Punk elements.
My favorite was The Crown and Key series by Clay and Susan Griffith.
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Would Be On My Syllabus If I Taught World Building 101
1 reply · active 498 weeks ago
Yeah, there are some really great steampunk books out there. I've heard of The Crown and Key series, heard great things about it, but not read it yet.
Awesome topic! I love steampunk. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea was one of my favorite books when I was a kid.
1 reply · active 498 weeks ago
Thanks! I adore steampunk and have since before I even knew what it was called. With 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, it's really great to see who is often credited as being the forefather of the genre.
Excellent way to own this Top Ten Tuesday Topic. Adore Gail Carriger. There's some here that have me bookmarking this post. Mine is not so refined however, I came at it with short stories, which I do think is different.

My TTT which isn't actually a list and shh... I have 11 short stories on my not list today.
My recent post #TopTenTuesday: Ten Short Stories for if I Taught YA Fantasy Lit Overview
1 reply · active 498 weeks ago
Thanks so much! Yes, Gail Carriger's books are awesome, definitely a great author to get introduced to steampunk with. I do hope you find some other books here that you like.
WHAT THERE'S STEAMPUNK ANIME?!?!?! *immediately searches Hulu* Samurai 7 and both Last Exile series are there!! Recommendation for which one to start with?

1. Finish Cowboy Bebop
2. Then finish the two other series I'm halfway through
3. Watch whichever steampunk anime you recommend to start with

Have you read/heard of Richard Harland's Worldshaker? It's a similar premise to Leviathan, but I think I liked Worldshaker better (although I STILL haven't read the sequel). (On the other hand Worldshaker doesn't have the Darwin aspect of it which is my favourite part of the whole series!). Also on my to do list: Check out a flipping Kady Cross book which I've meant to do since I stopped by your blog the very first time!
My recent post Top Ten Books On My Manga and Anime 101 Syllabus
1 reply · active 498 weeks ago
Ooh, you're really putting my on the spot here. (I'm terrible at giving recommendations.) I think I'd go with Last Exile. While I did enjoy both shows - and I will warn you, they both have weak moments - Last Exile has got more of the steampunk feel.

Never heard of Worldshaker. But I went as checked it out on Goodreads and it looks awesome. I'm definitely more of a fan of gears and steam in my steampunk, but I loved seeing the way the countries evolved different methods of fighting in Leviathan. For fun steampunk, I definitely recommend Kady Cross' series.
I actually have Clare's novel in my library pile right now. Been meaning to get to Cross, Adina, and Westerfeld's books. I'm definitely going to look into those anime --just beginning to dip my toes in the manga/anime scene. Thanks for the list! I love looking at steampunk costuming/cosplay and have been read the genre ...

My recent post Top Ten Books That Would Be On My Syllabus If I Taught Christian/Inspirational Fantasy 101
1 reply · active 498 weeks ago
Steampunk is a lot of fun and all those authors definitely have something to offer to the genre. Those anime are all different and I really hope you find one you enjoy.
This is a perfect topic, it's different has a bunch of books I've not read. I love getting new book recs. I'm always intrigued by the steampunk genre but never know where to start and you've basically given me a beginners guide. Soulless was already on my radar so I will definitely check that out soon, but the rest I've either not heard of but not gotten around to picking up. I now feel renewed motivation to get reading :)
My recent post We Need To Talk About Ratings
1 reply · active 497 weeks ago
Oh, awesome. So glad I could help! I pretty much just dove right into steampunk - which is totally possible, it just depends on what kind of books you like. Soulless is definitely a great place to start if you like romance novels or quite a bit of romance in your books. I really hope you find some more here that catches your interest!

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