These last two weeks have been a lot of fun, and really busy too! I want to thank The Book Rat and A Backwards Story for hosting this event - and all of you for hanging out with me.
If you've missed any of my posts, I've collected a schedule of them all here. Everything I posted for Fairy Tale Fortnight is linked below.
Fairy Tale TBR
In Celebration of Villains
Five Favorite Fairy Tales
Fairy Tale Tunes
Soundtracking: Cruel Beauty
Review: A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas
Five Fairy Tales Books I Want To Read
Waiting For: Crimson Bound & Mechanica & Winter
Review: Fairest by Marissa Meyer
Series Spotlight: The Lunar Chronicles
Fairy Tales on the Silver Screen
My Eight Favorite 'Once' Characters (+ Retellings)
Review: Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier
Fairy Tale Fortnight Wrap-Up (This Post)
Around the Blogosphere:
Of course, I'm not the only one that has been busy posting and sharing fairy tale related stuff this fortnight. Below I have collected some of my favorite fairy tale related posts.Fairytale Releases of 2015 (Beth @ Printcess & Living a Goddess Life)
Fairy Tale-ish: Fairy Tales Around the Interwebs (Misty @ The Book Rat)
Cinderella Stays Late Book Review (Krysta @ Pages Unbound)
Cruel Beauty Book Review (Titiana @ Fishmuffins of Doom)
Postmodern Fairy Tale Music (Titiana @ Fishmuffins of Doom)
Cinder Book Review (Sarah @ Just One More Chapter)
I was going to list each post hosted by The Book Rat and A Backwards Story that I enjoyed - then I realized that would take me forever. Instead, just stop by their schedule of events pages.
The Book Rat A Backwards Story
Not of the fortnight, but I just have to leave you a link to the awesomely Epic Chart of 162 Young Adult Retellings put together by the folk over at epic reads.
Final Notes:
I had a lot of fun doing this. It was, however, a lot of work and now I feel like I'm lagging in getting my other posts for the month ready. I think all these fairy tales just made my brain stop. I'd like to participate in this again next year, but I'll have some reviews already to go, I think, instead of reviewing during the Fortnight what I read during the Fortnight.Speaking of, I actually plotted out the order I'd read the three fairy tales in by: A Wicked Thing will probably be my least favorite, so let's get that out of the way first; Fairest will take me the least amount of time so let's add that for the second of those two really close reviews. I guess one out of two isn't bad. What to know which one I was right about? Check my reviews out. (Shameless plug.)
I have added over thirty books to my Goodreads TBR because of this event. Thirty! This is including books that I ran across while preparing my posts as well as the ones I found while reading everyones awesome - though very unhelpful at narrowing down my TBR - posts.
Veronika · 517 weeks ago
My recent post Top Ten Favorite Inspiring Quotes from Books
AmyAelleah 80p · 517 weeks ago