Monday, May 18, 2015

Reader Problems Tag (with gifs)

Thanks so much Elizabeth for this tag that looked like such fun. (I don't usually do such gif heavy posts, but I wanted to add a little color to this. Enjoy!

1. You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next?

I have recently started a TBR jar just to avoid this particularly sticky tangle. Of course, that helps not at all when it comes time to decide which books to buy, borrow or beg next. Then it's kind of a case of 'expected/typical or something new?' which leads to even more trouble.

2. You're halfway through a book and you're just not loving it. Do you quit or are you committed?

If it's just not loving it, I'm committed. If it's a book I am actively hating, it depends - mostly on if I'm wanting it finish it so I can rant about it. (Seriously, I've finished books just for that reason.) If I'm bored out of my mind and there's nothing specific I want to complain about, I might stop. Though I do hate DNFing books. Leaves me itchy.

3. The end of the year is coming and you're so close, but so far away on your Goodreads reading challenge. Do you try to catch up and how?

Swear off tv and computer for two weeks and read three books every five days? I don't know. I've never actually had that problem. I'm always caught up by the end of the year, though if you'd check the first few months, I'd be running behind. ('Cept this year. Yay me!)

4. The covers of a series you love do not match. How do you cope?

Poorly. I want all my books in a series to match. All the same type of cover and binding. All either paperback or hardback. All the same height. If they don't/aren't, it's somewhat…stressful. I've got this one series where I own the first three books. Well, books one and two are the US edition but the third is the UK edition, so they are different heights, different width and even look different from the spine. It's painful.

5. Everyone and their mothers love a book you really don't like. Who do you bond with over their shared feelings?

I'm a rebel. Seriously, it's happened. I find people I don't even know that wrote scathing reviews, write my own and move on. Trying to act like I never even read the book. (Except for those random moments that make me feel like ol' Hulk up there.)

6. You're reading a book and you are about to start crying in public. How do you deal?

That's never actually happened to me. For the few books that have brought on the tears, thankfully I've been locked (not literally) in my room during those parts. If it happened, I'd probably just stop reading. That'll work, right?

7. A sequel of a book you love just came out, but you've forgotten a lot from the prior novel. Will you re-read the book? Skip the sequel? Try to find a synopsis on Goodreads? Cry in frustration?!?

Probably just go ahead and read the sequel. Most likely remembering stuff about the first book as I go. Then I might promise myself to re-read the original, but chances are I'll get distracted before ever getting there. Sometimes, when I first start the second book, I cannot even remember who the people are and...well considering I read a lot of fantasy, that's always such a fun re-learning curve.

8. You do not want anyone. ANYONE. borrowing your books. How do you politely tell people no when they ask?

In truth, the only reason I wouldn't lend a book out is because of the way that person treated things they borrowed from me before. In that case, I don't feel the need to be polite. You don't treat my stuff nice, you don't get to borrow my stuff. (See all those books? Yeah, I'm not lending them.)

9. Reading ADD. You've picked up and put down 5 books in the last month. How do you get over your reading slump?

I can't say I wouldn't do it, but I've never had five books started at the same time before. My limit is usually three, and only when one is difficult to get through and another is an audio book. When in reading slumps, I tend to go for shorter, lighter books, but beyond that - anything is up for grabs. Sometimes, I just need a break from reading and won't hardly touch any books for a week or two. (Sometimes I read fan fiction, too.)

10. There are so many new books coming out that you're dying to read! How many do you actually buy?

Most of the books I read, I buy. A few I can borrow and I'm going to be using my library's ebook borrowing program (for the few books they have that I'm interested in, anyway). I usually try to limit myself to a couple new books each month - and only then if they're something I'm dying for. If I can wait, I do and can usually get them cheaper used.

11. After you've bought the new books you can't wait to get to, how long they sit on your shelf before you get to them?

Completely depends on the book. If it's one I want in a very 'I want to read you eventually so I'll buy you now so you don't get shoved to the back of my list' way, it might take awhile. However if it's the 'I want it! I've been waiting for this book for two years!' kind of want, chances are I'll get to it within a couple of weeks. (Yes, there are books like this. In fact, I sounded so pathetic that when I thought Rhune by Michael J. Sullivan wasn't releasing until 2017, my mom had to come ask what was wrong. Since then, I've found out that it releases next summer. That's a little better, anyway.)

I tag everyone that's wearing green socks today. (Did I make you look?) Nah, I tag everyone that wants to do this. It was a lot of fun, hope you enjoy.

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I really like that you chose to do this post with gifs! I love when people use gifs but as for me it takes too much effort and I'm always afraid no one will understand what I was trying to say haha.
I HATE lending out books in general but lending books to ppl who haven't borrowed anything from me yet is pure torture lol. When I started high school my new friends quickly realised that I have many books and all of them thought I gladly lend them out. It was horrible bc I was way too kind not to let them borrow my books, but for example I lent Ruby Red to more than 5 people and then I had to stick the freaking spine of it together because it was completely ruined. :(
Anyways, awesome answers.
PS: Are you still in for the buddy read?
My recent post Pippa DaCosta - City of Fae
1 reply · active 512 weeks ago
I don't usually use a lot of gifs, but this post seemed to be begging for them. I can totally understand what you mean about lending books. That first time you lend someone something it's kind of nerve-wracking. The only person that borrows books from me anymore is my mom, and she's really great about taking good care of them.

You bet I'm still on for the buddy read. Looking forward to it.
I love these tags! People's responses are always so funny! I LOVE the idea of a TBR jar - sometimes I just can't choose which book to read next, so that would come in handy! And I'm super lucky, because NONE of my friends/family read, so no one ever asks me to borrow my books. Yay for avoiding awkwardness!
Beth x
1 reply · active 512 weeks ago
Oh, they are. And they are so much fun to do! Having a TBR jar has really helped me a lot. It makes it soo much easier to decide what to read next. Lucky you. I know someone that if he ever asks to borrow a book from me again I'll have to tell him no because last time he borrowed a book from me, I found it on the floor behind his chair. That's just not cool.
I hate not finishing books once I've begun them. Even if I hate it, I'll try, though I have thankfully never quite hated a book to the point I wanted to burn it, or something else equally as drastic. Except for Romeo and Juliet, I honestly hated that play. I've just never been a fan of Shakespeare. Oh, and the book we are reading right now in English, Sound of Waves, is torture, though I'm sure it it mostly due to being forced to read it rather than having chosen it.
My recent post The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
1 reply · active 511 weeks ago
Lucky you. I have read books that gave me the sudden urge, as I was turning pages, to rip the pages out. The only thing that kept me from doing that was the fact I won't damage any book on purpose. Though some have sorely tried me! I've never read Romeo and Juliet, but I don't think I ever will. (This is one of those 'no' books.) Didn't have to for school and won't for pleasure. I know what you mean about being forced to read a book - somehow that just makes them worse than if it was something you would have chosen.
I didn't know you read fanfic! What fandoms do you read in? I frequently find that when I'm in a reading slump I'll go and devour all the fanfic in the world...but I haven't been reading much lately. All my favourite authors have disappeared on me :(. And I'm totally with you...I WILL stop reading a book (and I've finished books because I hate them - YOU HEAR THAT 1Q84? I'M COMING FOR YOU.) but it definitely leaves me with an itchy feeling too!
My recent post A Day in the Life #35 + April Wrap Up
1 reply · active 511 weeks ago
Pretty much anything I'm a fan of I've at least looked at the fanfiction of. I prefer fanfic from shows, then movies and finally books. I've only read fanfic from a few books because of the major difference in writing style. Lately I've really been on a Power Rangers kick because as I finish each season, I'm on the internet reading the few stories for it. I'm also always reading The Avengers stories. Now though, with Age of Ultron out, I'll have to wait until I see it before reading any of the newer stuff. (I do have a bunch of The Avengers stories bookmarked on my computer that I need to read anyway.) I've also dabbled in most other Marvel superhero fanfics. (Especially Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

I've read a lot of Castle fanfic - I just adore the friendship or romance fluff. Eureka is another one I love reading in - almost anything romantic or funny. (Which is a good majority of their stories.) I read Once Upon A Time in fits and starts. Pretty much anything with Regina or Hook or Ruby is something I want to read. Love some of their adventure stories for a mid-season cliffy or a season ender.

Usually I like sticking with the more popular fandoms because it seems the ratio of good vs. bad stories is a little better. (But then again, maybe it just seems that way because there's more stuff.) If I've seen the show though and liked it, I've probably at least taken a look at the fanfiction.

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