The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
The Clockwork Century Series by Cherie Priest
The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
Mary Russell Series by Laurie R. King
Hex Hall Series by Rachel Hawkins
Abney Park Series by Robert H. Brown
The Legend of Drizzt Series by R.A. Salvatore
Elminster Series by Ed Greenwood
War of the Spider Queen Series by Assorted Authors
Erevis Cale Trilogy by Paul S. Kemp
The Haunted Lands Trilogy by Richard Lee Byers
Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy by Richard Baker
The Scions of Arrabar Trilogy by Thomas M. Reid
Draconic Prophecies Trilogy by James Wyatt
The Lost Mark Trilogy by Matt Forbeck
Thorn of Breland Trilogy by Keith Baker
Raistlin Chronicles by Margaret Weis
The Minotaur Wars Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak
Linsha Trilogy by Mary H. Herbert
Rise of Solamnia Trilogy by Douglas Niles
Dragonlance: The New Adventures by Assorted Authors
Bleach Series by Tite Kubo
Charlotte & Thomas Pitt Series by Anne Perry
Gideon Oliver Series by Aaron Elkins
Leatitia Talbot Series by Barbara Cleverly
Lara McClintoch Archeological Mystery Series by Lyn Hamilton
Mage Winds Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey
Enduring Flame Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory
An Emma Fielding Mystery Series by Dana Cameron
Psych Series by William Rabkin
Primeval Series by Assorted Authors
Damar Duology by Robin McKinley
Path Trilogy by Diane Pharaoh Francis
Green Rider Series by Kirsten Britain
Mrs. Pollifax Series by Dorothy Gilman
Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery Series by Tamar Myers
Alex Jensen/Jessie Arnold Series by Sue Henry
Arly Hanks Series by Joan Hess
Claire Malloy Series by Joan Hess
Murder, She Wrote Series by Jessica Fletcher
Mrs. Murphy Series by Rita Mae Brown
Booked for Travel Mysteries Series by Emily Toll
Area 51 Series by Robert Doherty
A Chocoholic Mystery Series by JoAnna Carl
Navajo Mysteries Series by Tony Hillerman
Kinsey Millhone Series by Sue Grafton
Hannah Swensen Series by Joanne Fluke
Bed-and-Breakfast Mysteries Series by Mary Daheim
Molly Murphy Series by Rhys Bowen
Agatha Raisin Series by M.C. Beaton
Hamish MacBeth Series by M.C. Beaton
The Cat Who... Series by Lillian Jackson Braun
Regan Reilly Mystery Series by Carol Higgins Clark
Mrs. Malory Mysteries Series by Hazel Holt
A Booklover's Mystery Series by Julie Kaewert
A Goldy Bear Culinary Mystery Series by Diane Mott Davidson
Gervase Fen Series by Edmund Crispin
Mrs. Hudson Series by Sydney Hoiser
Victoria Square Series by Lorraine Bartlett
Melanie Travis Series by Laurien Berenson
The Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
Death On Demand Series by Carolyn G. Hart
Miss. Seeton Series by Heron Carvic
Fargo Adventure Series by Clive Cussler
The Chris Norgren Mysteries Trilogy by Aaron Elkins
Sheriff Dan Rhodes Series by Bill Crider
William Monk Series by Anne Perry
Mr. & Mrs. North Series by Frances and Richard Lockridge
Perry Mason Series by Erle Stanley Gardner
Inspector Thanet Series by Dorothy Simpson
Paths of Shadow Duology by Frank Tuttle
The Foundation of Drak-Anor Duology by Hans Cummings
Newbury & Hobbes Series by George Mann
Burton & Swinburn Series by Mark Hodder
Trilogia Victoriana Trilogy by Felix J. Palma
Books of the Sundered Series by Michelle Sagara West
London Steampunk Series by Bec McMaster
Stoker & Holmes Series by Colleen Gleason
Also Known As Series by Robin Benway
Kingdom of Xia Duology by Cindy Pon
Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas
The Staff and the Sword Trilogy by Patrick W. Carr
The Crescent Moon Kingdoms Series by Saladin Ahmed
Tweed & Nightingale Adventures Series by Paul Crilley
Shadow Saga by Jo Sprunk
The Bronze Canticles by Laura and Tracy Hickman
The Malediction Trilogy by Danielle L. Jensen
Death Sworn Duology by Leah Cypess
Disenchanted & Co. Series by Lynn Viehl
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan
The Lotus War Series by Jay Kristoff
Avalon Series by Mindee Arnett
Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks
The Iron Seas by Meljean Brook
Abhorson Trilogy by Garth Nix
Gallagher Girls Series by Ally Carter
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
The Vampire Diaries Series by L.J. Smith
Kiki Strike by Kristen Miller
Gentlemen Bastard Series by Scott Lynch
The Hunchback Assignments Series by Arthur Slade
Sarah Booth Delaney Series by Carolyn Haines
Diagnosis Murder Series by Lee Goldberg
Blackbird Sisters Mystery Series by Nancy Martin
D.Gray-man Series by Katsura Hoshino
D.Gray-man Series by Katsura Hoshino
Sooo.... Are any of these series ones you think I just have to finsh and that I am missing out on some of the most epically awesome writing ever? Or, do you think I'm better off not reading any of these? Let me know. And I had no idea that there would be so many on this list.
Elizabeth · 511 weeks ago
1. I wish I could plug The Dresden Files, but since I've only read the first 4 or 5 books, I don't feel like I can guarantee it'll continue to be worthwhile, so you've got me there.
2. You're definitely not missing out on The Inheritance Cycle. It's pretty standard stuff, and the ending was not particularly satisfying for me.
3. Bleach is SOOOOOO LOOOOOONGGGG. I don't do well with long series, so I haven't started it. I might give it a chance one day?
4. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with Mercedes Lackey. (Mostly hate). I absolutely LOVED her Obsidian Mountain trilogy, but literally every other novel I've either absolutely LOATHED or been fairly indifferent to. I liked the Obsidian Mountain trilogy so much and she has so many bloody books that I keep trying them, but I clearly am missing all the great ones. Although I do think Elemental Masters series isn't too bad now that I'm thinking on it...
5. *CHOKES* The Damar books???? Ok I'm super biased because they're favourites (The Blue Sword more than The Hero and the Sword for sure though). Which one did you read? And what wasn't working for you? I might be able to tell you whether it's worth another shot for you or not!
6. Ahh, I have many a fond memory of the Cat Who books. I must have read a solid 30 of them, but I'm with you. They're loads of fun and I'd probably read another if it fell in my lap, but I wouldn't actively seek out any more.
7. What wasn't working for you in the Throne of Glass series? I know a LOT of people don't like the first book, so I'm generally in the mind of saying everyone should read the second (and if the second isn't for you, this series isn't for you). But again if I know why it wasn't working for you I might be able to gauge better :)
8. I'm curious about the Abhorsen series too! Although my bet is if you didn't like the first book you probably won't like the rest either.
9. The Series of Unfortunate Events got SO repetitive. I skimmed most of the series, but I'm very glad I read the last book because the last book was absolutely fantastic and managed to tug at my heartstrings as well. If you don't mind not knowing everything that's been going on (or just wikapediaing it) I do recommend reading the last book in this series!
10. Yeah there's no way I'm changing your mind on Gentlemen Bastards, you definitely won't like the rest of it haha
11. D. Gray-man is another one I haven't read yet, but I have a few friends who are staunch fans and keep telling me I need to read it haha. I guess we'll see if I like it...whenever I get around to reading it...
AmyAelleah 80p · 511 weeks ago
1. I've actually read the first three books in The Dresden Files and unless the books really change, let's just say I don't believe they're for me. I tried - especially considering the first book wasn't really up my alley - but I think that's a series that just didn't work for me.
2. I think 'standard' is the perfect way to describe The Inheritance Cycle. And I wanted to like it so badly because, hello? fantasy. And because when he wrote the first book he was close to the same age I was when I read it. It sounded cool but…it wasn't.
3. Honestly, I wouldn't bother with Bleach. I watched a lot of the show - like a 170-odd episodes, I think, before finally throwing in the towel. (There's still almost 200 to go that I'll probably never see.) It was repetitive and I really didn't like the main guy. But, maybe if all dark and brooding gets it for you, you might like him more than I did. (It'd be almost impossible to like him less.)
4. I've actually read a full trilogy by Mercedes Lackey. Mage Storms, part of her Valdemar world and I really liked it. It was a bit fluffier than what I would usually choose, but I thought it was fun. I've tried two other series of her since then (one that she co-wrote) and have not been able to make it past the first book in either of them. I'm going to try the first in her Five Hundred Kingdoms series because I can get the ebook from my library, but I'm thinking she's just not an author for me.
5. You know, I couldn't even remember why I didn't like the Damar book, but it turns out I wrote quite a scathing review for it. Even after reading that review though, I've still only got a vague impression of why I disliked it so much. First off, it was Hero and the Crown. (I TRY to start with the first in a series.) To me the story felt like two separate parts. Judging by my review, this change was on page 109. I liked the first part somewhat and liked Aerin. (And Tor. Him I remember.) But…The second part introduced Luthe. Don't ask me why, because I can't remember, but I do know I hated him. And I disliked the way Aerin went from a strong girl that I liked to one that I felt couldn't make decisions on her own. I also remember a good portion of the story was Aerin by herself. I'm more of a fan of groups in my fantasies. If The Blue Sword is more like the first half or so of Hero and the Crown I might be willing to give it a shot. (More like the second half though and I think I'm better off not.)
Because this reply is long enough (and I think I'm going to ramble when I start talking about Throne of Glass) there will be a part two.
AmyAelleah 80p · 511 weeks ago
7. Oh, I LOVED the first book in the Throne of Glass series. Celaena was brash and arrogant and I loved this girl. She was awesome. She loved reading (admittedly, a lot of YA heroines do) and even though she was this bad-ass assassin, she was also such a girl. She loved shopping and chocolate and…and after one book I was all set to say Maas was one of my new favorite authors. Seriously, this was one of my favorite books from the year I read it. Then I read the second in the series.
I wanted to love it. I wanted to LIKE it. But everything fell apart at the seams for me. Celaena turned into one of those people that buried her head in the sand and was all 'it doesn't effect me so I don't care'. She finally got pulled out of that and it was too little too late. The love was no longer there. And the secrets. Make them stop! I HATE secrets with a fiery passion. Without them I MIGHT have still liked the book, but as it was… I'm still interested in the third one. I've thought about re-reading the second one to see if I think I might like the third. Suggestions? Does the third one have secrets like crazy like the second one does?
8. For Abhorsen, I read the first book and my takeaway feeling was boredom. I'm not a fan of the whole 'one person righting wrongs' in anything - it's even worse when it's fantasy. I love those quirky groups that get thrown together. Beyond being indifferent to the characters and feeling bored, I remember the world building totally confused me.
9. I never even got past the first in The Series of Unfortunate Events. I can skip around with books though and don't mind searching complete synopsis out on wikipedia. I'll try to keep that in mind and see if I can borrow it from somewhere.
10. Haha, yeah I bet you're not. I don't think I could be convinced to read more Gentlemen Bastards. (Unless they totally changed everything and enraged all the fans so I'll just find something else.)
11. D.Gray-Man… I watched the anime - at least the two seasons that were officially released in the U.S. and started reading the manga so I could see what happened after the anime ended. Unfortunately, I just lost interest. Even in the anime and I loved it at one point. I do think it's pretty good, but I read so little manga that when I do, I want it to be better than 'pretty good'. (Except the fight scenes which I found totally confusing.)
Alright, I think I covered everything. Thanks so much for the comment!
Elizabeth · 507 weeks ago
3. Oh yeah, I do NOT have patience with dark and brooding, so maybe this isn't the series for me. Plus I rarely fare well with long series since - like you said - they get reeeaaaally repetitive
4. Yeah I haven't liked any of her co-authored books at all, so at least I know that might be part of my problem. I might check out some more of her Valdemar series though, since I do like a good fluffy fun fantasy novel when I'm in the mood.
5. Oh I know EXACTLY where you're talking about, and I think having that switch is something that depending on how I'm feeling when I'm rereading it I either hate it or think it's kind of cool. Either way it's not one of my favourites although I overall enjoyed it. I'd say The Blue Sword is much more like the first half of THatC. I like that there's only one love interest, but the focus on the book is definitely on training Harry and not on the love interest (I tend to not like too much focus on love interests - again, unless I'm in the mood for it. I'm mercurial that way haha)
7. Hmm...I'm inclined to say if you're not into secrets that the rest of the series probably isn't for you. I feel like the biggest secrets came out in book 2, but knowing SJM I'm assuming we're going to get some more big ones haha. I don't remember book 3 being particularly secretive though, but Celeana does quite a bit of moping for the first bunch of chapters - kind of like Harry Potter book 5. It's not that I don't think it is exactly how the character would's just not all that fun to read about either. It does introduce some AWESOME new characters (an iron-toothed witch! I can't remember what they were called...) so there's that. But yeah, I'm betting there's going to be more big reveals, so maybe not for you haha
8. Yeah...this trilogy isn't for you for sure haha.
9. Ehh if you didn't even get past the first book, I wouldn't bother with it. I might wiki the series though, but then I just have an obsession with NEEDING to know things haha. I'm not sure you'd like the ending the way I did, we definitely have very different taste on a lot of things, so it very likely would make you angry lol
My recent post Tell Me Tuesday #5: In which Elizabeth is not-reading lots of books
AmyAelleah 80p · 506 weeks ago
7. There's still a part of me that want's to give the Throne of Glass series another go. (Maybe partially for the same reason I want to give McKinley another go.) I don't mind secrets from readers (like the big reveals about Celeana's past in CoM) what I don't like is when supposed friends keep secrets from each other (like was running rampant in CoM). I've heard so many mixed things about book 3 (and, yeah, Order of the Phoenix was not a fun book for me to read) that I'm just not sure.
9. Okay, now I'm curious. (It bad, isn't it, that I'm more curious about it now than I would have been had you said I'd love the ending.)
Elizabeth · 505 weeks ago
In which case the BIG secrets they were keeping have all come out. (Right? There can't be anything else like that!) So you're probably good on that. And yeah I TOTALLY get that - it's super annoying haha! I'd give it a go as well then!
I recommend just wikapediaing what happened instead of reading it - that way you aren't invested. Buuuut then I Wikipedia everything lol.
My recent post Tell Me Tuesday #6 - In which Elizabeth realizes she hasn't read a single new YA novel in the past couple weeks
mithrril 23p · 510 weeks ago
My recent post Award – Beautiful Blogger Award
AmyAelleah 80p · 509 weeks ago