Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Ten Bookish Things That Make Me Say 'I Quit'

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

This is a totally different type of list this week, and I'm so excited. Yeah, this is probably going to be difficult for me - and the outcome might be a little...squirrely - but it sounds like so much fun. Warning: I will probably definitely get a bit ranty.

Tropes and Plot Choices That Need To Die With Fire

1 & 2: Love Triangle & Insta-Love
It seems like every second or third YA book I read has one or both of these in it. Either can totally wreck a book for me but beware when both happen at the same time. Yes, I fell madly in love with both of you when we first met. Or the one that's my new making-fun-of quote 'I want you, but I want him more.' How do they come up with this stuff?

3: Obsession
Nope, I don't have a better word for it. It's when the character totally obsesses over the love interest to the degree that she (and it's almost always a 'she') stalks him and/or does the whole 'he's a bad boy but there's something different about him.' Usually coupled with insta-love.

4: Possessive, Domineering 'Boyfriends' (AKA: Alphaholes)
More like 'where can I get a restraining order?' They are not sexy. They are not hot. They are an abusive husband waiting to happen. Please, for the love of all that's good, can I quit reading about them? Especially in YA books. Girls, this is not the love to aspire towards.

Real World Issues (Unless in Issues Books)

5. Sexism
There are so many ways books serve to objectify and belittle women. They're described in detail spared on the men and don't forget to describe how the dress clings to them. (Which is also undressing as well as objectifying.) Then there's all women being weak and needing a man. Her just waiting to be rescued. Pass!

6. Whitewashed
This was originally going to be 'racism' but then I realized that I don't actually get to read books with enough POC in them to be accused of racism. Instead, books seem to think that the world is comprised only of white people. Yeah, take a good look at demographics authors!

Book Time

7. Loooooooooooong Series
I just don't have that much time. Nor is my attention span long enough. Chances are that if the series is over ten books long, I'll never reach the end. I'm even less likely to reach the end if the series is still ongoing when I start it.

8. Looong Books
I might make one 600+ page book, but if that's what the rest of the trilogy is comprised of, I'll probably quit before I reach the end.

I'd Like To Quit

9. Dust Bunny Books
I want to quit buying the book - usually the newest book - that I just have to have right now but then letting it sit on my shelf so long that I forget what it's about or totally lose interest in it or, yes, it starts gathering dust.

10. Bad Books
This is a hope and a prayer wish that all the books I read would be good books. That I'd never even start a book and have to DNF it because I just don't like it. Seriously, how awesome would that be if every book your read would be one that you at least like?

Let me know what you think about my 'quit' topics and let me know what yours are in the comments! (Totally not as ranty as I expected to get.)

Comments (11)

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Ah I love this list! I so agree with all of them! I'm especially sick of the cliche tropes. I would love to read a story without a shred of romance... is that too much to ask?! :)
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Bookish Things I Want To Quit
1 reply · active 492 weeks ago
I agree completely. I'd love to find some books that are all about the friendship between the characters and no romance. And not middle grade books, either.
yeeeessss to #1 & 2!!
2 replies · active 492 weeks ago
Haha. You don't agree with me on those two at all, do you? (I can tell.)
hahahaha nope, not at all. How did you guess? ;)
Totally agree with 1&2, I had them both on my list this week as well.
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday #25
1 reply · active 492 weeks ago
Cool! Thanks for stopping by.
Oh god, love triangles are the death of me. I don't care about them as long as the choice is clear from the beginning - for instance, when I was twelve and happily reading the Twilight Saga I never once thought that Jacob stood a chance, so I didn't much care about him. What really annoys me is when the girl doesn't know what she wants, at all - like Katniss, in the Hunger Games.
Ugh, sexism in books.. there's enough of it in our everyday lives, we definitely don't need it in books. Slutshaming is one form of it that I just can't stand, especially when the author uses it to make the MC look pure. I have no problem with including slutshaming in a way that shows to the readers that it's WRONG.
Long series, how I hate you. There are so many amazing series that I adore (Chicagoland Vampires, Psy-Changeling) but I can't get myself to continue them because there are 10+ books in each. Because of these long ass series, I'm afraid to start new books by the authors because who knows how long they'll stretch those series out, as well?
The only point I don't fully agree with from your list is #10 because if there weren't any books we disliked, we wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the amazing books - there would be no 'bad books' to compare them to.
Really-really awesome list, Amy! :)
My recent post Lauren Oliver - Vanishing Girls
1 reply · active 492 weeks ago
Ugh, yeah, love triangles where the girl keeps going back and forth are especially difficult to get through. Sometimes (okay, most of the time) I just want to yell at her to make up her mind already.
I've never been able to figure out why the main women in books have to be pure and innocent anyway. The sad thing is that it's not even limited to YA books - which could be kind of understandable (though I always thought teenage girls were trying to prove how mature they are...) but so often adult romance novels have this pure women that's at least in her mid twenties and she still so innocent. Definitely doesn't feel realistic to me personally. And the addition of slutshaming makes it even worse.
I'm really lucky that a lot of my books are mostly trilogies. Trilogies are nice. Whenever I do get suckered into reading a long series - and manage to stick with it for awhile - it also so often starts to feel like a rehash of the previous books. That's never any fun.
Hmm... You might have a point there. It takes a really bad book to fully appreciate a really good one? And, I guess I like complaining and ranting about things a little too much to fully wish every book I'd ever read would be good. (Though I do hate wasting my time on something I don't enjoy when there's so many perfect books out there.)
I agree with all 10! Especially the "white-washed." I love when a character is described with certain different ethnic qualities. I'm annoyed with the Kate Daniels' series, because they initially presented her as perhaps Latina/ darker skin, but the women on the covers are getting "paler" and skinnier with each new book in the series! *grumble mumble*
1 reply · active 492 weeks ago
Ooh, yeah! I love it when we get some POC on the cover of books. Sadly, that doesn't happen no where near as much as it should. I looked at the Kate Daniels' series and I totally see what you mean. Honestly the only ones I'd ever seen the covers of before was the first one (because I have toyed with the idea of reading it) and the newest one (because it was everywhere for awhile) and I honestly didn't even know the woman was supposed to be the same character. Besides the sucky whitewashing, curvy just doesn't sell either, I guess.

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