Lately I've been going more than a little crazy buying books - and downloading free e-books. This has to stop. I mean, when I'm getting more books in a month than I read in a month, I'll never get through them all. I know this - yet I keep buying them. And getting them free for my kindle.
So, I've decided to do what every book blogger has probably thought about at least once: start a book buying ban. (le gasp! The horror!)
- I'd like to cut my TBR shelf by over half before I stop this ban. Ideally, I'll have cut it by over two-thirds.
- For every five books I read, I can get one. If I read five kindle books, I can buy - or get free - one. If I read five physical books, I can buy one. Audiobooks can be kind of a 'wild card' in that they'll count toward either. DNF books do not count. At all.
- I can buy the next book in the series - it's not part of my 5-to-1 rules. (Hopefully this will also encourage me to finish some of those lurking series.)
- Library books do not count as anything and, for the length of this ban, I will try not to read any. (After all, this is an attempt to get through the books I've already got.)
This should allow me to buy the books I 'must have' but I can avoid getting a hold of any more of those books that will just sit there, looking at me accusingly.
I've already cut my TBR shelf by quite a lot this month, and as far as I'm concerned, even though I'm only now getting around to talking about it, I consider myself being on the ban for the entire month. (Though I'll still have a book haul post, because I bought books in October that I didn't get until November. They don't count.)
Ideally, I hope that this ban will last until at least my birthday. (Which is in February.) Four months should help me accomplish a lot. Right?
Have you ever been on a book buying ban? How did it work? Any tips for me? If you've never done a book buying ban, why haven't you? (Love to hear any thoughts and encouragement!)
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FoolsIngenuity 93p · 485 weeks ago
I completely feel your pain in going book crazy. I plan to implement a ban from December to get my unread books under control, it will be a cold turkey ban in December, but I might implement your idea after Christmas. It's too easy to justify all the books I buy, especially those free Kindle books (you're spending no money so what's the harm in it?).
AmyAelleah 80p · 485 weeks ago
I think free Kindle books is what started me down the road of having too many books, honestly. Some of them just look so good and, as you say, they're free, so why not go ahead and grab a couple? Or ten. Anyhow, I wish you lots of luck for your upcoming book buying ban.
FoolsIngenuity 93p · 484 weeks ago
And free kindle books are one of my big issues, but the cheapness of kindle books doesn't help either. Just books. Books are my issue I think.
AmyAelleah 80p · 484 weeks ago